Page 125 - Reclaim YOUR DIGITAL GOLD (without audio)
P. 125

Keeping Your Data Safe

            YOUR DATA

            Online transactions are extremely convenient and enable
            you to obtain  products that  you would  not be able  to
            obtain in your own neighborhood. When you use these
            services,  cybercriminals  may  be  able  to  gain  access
            to  your  personal  and  financial  information.  You  can
            make it difficult or impossible for others to decipher the
            information  you send  over  the  Internet  by  using  data
            encryption. The presence of a lock icon in your browser’s
            status  bar indicates  secure  data  transmission.  Make
            sure the lock icon is visible before sending any sensitive


            When was the last time you double-checked the privacy
            settings on your email and social media accounts? You’re
            not the only one who hasn’t checked the settings on their
            accounts since they were created. As a result, you may
            be unaware of how much of your personal information is
            available for the taking.

            Online shopping apps, social media platforms, and email
            services all have frequently changing privacy policies that
            you should be aware of. If you take the time to read the
            terms of service to understand these changes, you are
            in the minority. Check your policy changes and update
            the  privacy settings  on  your account to  avoid  sharing
            personal information with websites and apps linked to
            social media accounts.

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