Page 179 - Reclaim YOUR DIGITAL GOLD (without audio)
P. 179

Web 1.0 - 3.0 and the dark Web

            In other words, Web 1.0 was designed to make it easier
            for people to find information online. This version of the
            web was designed for people looking for information. It
            is sometimes referred to as the “read-only web” because
            it lacks the forms, visuals, controls, and interactivity that
            we have come to expect from the modern Internet.

            People coined the term “Web 1.0” to describe the first
            version of the Internet. Users were able to see a glimpse
            of the future of digital communication and information-
            sharing possibilities as a result.
            Web  1.0  had  several  distinguishing  characteristics,

                   ● Static pages were linked to a computer system
                   via hyperlinks
                   ● The data was stored in a filesystem on the server
                   rather  than  a  relational  database  management
                   system, so HTML (Hypertext Markup Language)
                   forms were delivered via e-mail
                   ● A variety of graphics were included
            Digitize  a real-world dictionary and  make  it  available
            online to anyone who needs a quick reference but can’t
            react to it, and you’ve got Web 1.0!

            WEB 2.0 – THE PRESENT

            Web 2.0, in contrast to the original Web 1.0, consists of
            a much larger number of people creating content for a
            much larger audience. Web 2.0 is all about contributing
            and participating, whereas Web 1.0 was all about reading
            and navigating.

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