Page 52 - Reclaim YOUR DIGITAL GOLD (without audio)
P. 52
There are some excellent web scraping tools available,
and some of these tools require code, while others
do not. Some of them are open-source and free, while
others are not.
So, we’ve seen some advantages to using web scraping
tools, which are frequently free and don’t even require
coding skills to collect and update data.
People, on the other hand, are becoming increasingly
concerned about data collection practices that involve
gathering information about them without their
knowledge or consent. To avoid legal issues with any
machine learning model, make sure to collect data with
permission using web scraping tools.
The following are some of the best free web scraping
● ProWebScraper
● Scrapy
● ScraperAPI
4. Create Synthetic Datasets
Synthetic datasets are so-called because they are
generated by computer program rather than assembled
from documentation of real-world events, as the name
implies. They are made-up data. This is where the term
“synthetic dataset” comes from. So, given the lack of
real-world data, why should we even consider using
synthetic data for machine learning models?
Synthetic datasets can be a particularly useful alternative
when adequate real-world data cannot be obtained (or
is very hard to obtain). The ability to precisely define