Page 193 - Winning The Credit Game Bundle (CK Patrick)
P. 193

potential  for  greater  growth  with  or  without  venture  capital

                #2 THE RIGHT TEAM

                We’ve mentioned a few times throughout this book how impor-
                tant it is to have the right leadership team for business success.
                We’ve talked about how having business partners with less than
                sterling  reputations  can  become  a  problem  for  your  business’s
                “family  tree”  in  your  Dun  &  Bradstreet  report.  Your  business
                partners must be extremely trustworthy to be trusted with your
                business’s  money,  and  credit,  and  your  team’s  expertise  and
                experience are key to convincing lenders that your business will
                succeed and pay back the money they loan you with interest.
                   Venture capitalists take this to the next level. They know that
                the success of a business is more about the people running the
                business than about the business’s ideas or technologies. Are the
                people  in  charge  hard-working  and  dedicated  to  success?  Do
                they have the emotional temperament to work together through
                the  ups  and  downs  of  a  new  business  and  provide  a  positive
                experience  for  their  business  partners?  Can  they  analyze  their
                business’s finances and make strategic business decisions to opti-
                mize growth?
                   Venture  capital  firms  will  want  to  see  that  your  team  has
                good  ideas,  technical  expertise,  emotional  intelligence,  and  a
                track record of good decision-making. This doesn’t mean you all
                have to be perfectly prim and proper; often, people with a bit of
                a risk-taking streak do best in business. But you will want a team
                that demonstrates a commitment to the success of your business,
                an  ability  and  willingness  to  make  strategic  decisions  and
                change course as needed, and the emotional resilience to handle
                conflicts and crises that might arise during the course of a young
                business’s life.
                   Venture  capitalists  will  look  for  these  things—but  they  are
                also things that any business can benefit from.
                   Now is a good time to analyze your leadership team honestly

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