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                                         Notice from Figure 4.29 that each local extremum seems to occur either at a point
         REMARK 3.1   QC: OSO/OVY   T1: OSO      July 4, 2016  13:38
                                     where the tangent line is horizontal [i.e., where f (x) = 0], at a point where the tangent
           Local maxima and minima   line is vertical [where f (x) is undefined] or at a corner [again, where f (x) is undefined].
           (the plural forms of maximum  We can see this behavior quite clearly in examples 3.4 and 3.5.
           and minimum, respectively)
           are sometimes referred to as
           relative maxima and minima,                               y
           respectively.                                                    Local maximum
                                                                          [ f (d) is undefined]
                                                         Local maximum
                                                             [ f (b) = 0]

                                                           a             c
                                 x                                 b             d
               -2        2
                                                      Local minimum
                                                       [ f (a) = 0]
                                                                       Local minimum
                                                                       [ f (c) is undefined]
                FIGURE 4.30
          y = 9 − x and the tangent line                            FIGURE 4.29
                   at x = 0                                         Local extrema
                                     EXAMPLE 3.4     A Function with a Zero Derivative at a
                                                     Local Maximum
                                     Locate any local extrema for f(x) = 9 − x and describe the behavior of the
                                     derivative at the local extremum.
                         2           Solution We can see from Figure 4.30 that there is a local maximum at x = 0.
                                     Further, note that f (x) =−2x and so, f (0) = 0. This says that the tangent line to
                 FIGURE 4.31
                                     y = f(x) at x = 0 is horizontal, as indicated in Figure 4.30.
                   y = |x|
                  NOTES              EXAMPLE 3.5     A Function with an Undefined Derivative
                                                     at a Local Minimum
          Pierre de Fermat (1601–1665) A
          French mathematician who   Locate any local extrema for f(x) = |x| and describe the behavior of the derivative at
          discovered many important  the local extremum.
          results, including the theorem
          named for him. Fermat was a  Solution We can see from Figure 4.31 that there is a local minimum at x = 0.
          lawyer and member of the   The graph has a corner at x = 0 and hence, f (0) is undefined.
          Toulouse supreme court, with
          mathematics as a hobby. The
          “Prince of Amateurs” left an   The graphs shown in Figures 4.29–4.31 are not unusual. In fact, spend a little time
          unusual legacy by writing in the  now drawing graphs of functions with local extrema. It should not take long to convince
          margin of a book that he had  yourself that local extrema occur only at points where the derivative is either zero or
          discovered a wonderful proof of  undefined. Because of this, we give these points a special name.
          a clever result, but that the
          margin of the book was too small
          to hold the proof. Fermat’s Last
          Theorem confounded many of   DEFINITION 3.3
          the world’s best mathematicians  A number c in the domain of a function f is called a critical number of f if
          for more than 300 years before  ′       ′
          being proved by Andrew Wiles in  f (c) = 0 or f (c) is undefined.                                          Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education

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