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              4-69          QC: OSO/OVY  T1: OSO   November 6, 2018  15:33         SECTION 4.7  • •  Optimization  279  Unsaved...
                  the revenue and find the maximum revenue. (b) For any
                  positive constant c, find x to maximize R(x) =  cx − x 2 .  EXPLORATORY EXERCISES
                                                     x + c
                                                                    1. In a preliminary investigation of Kepler’s cask problem (sec-
              37. In t hours, a worker makes Q(t) =−t + 12t + 60t items.  tion 4.3), you showed that a height-to-diameter ratio (x∕y)
                  Graph Q (t) and explain why it can be interpreted as the effi-  of  √ 2 for a cylindrical barrel will maximize the volume
                  ciency of the worker. (a) Find the time at which the worker’s  (see Figure a). However, real casks are bowed out. Kepler
                  efficiency is maximum. (b) Let T be the length of the work-  approximated a cask with the straight-sided barrel in Fig-
                  day. Suppose that the graph of Q(t) has a single inflection  ure b. It can be shown (we told you Kepler was good!)
                  point for 0 ≤ t ≤ T, called the point of diminishing returns.  that the volume of this barrel is V =     [y + (w − y) +
                  Show that the worker’s efficiency is maximized at the point  √                       3
                  of diminishing returns.                             y(w − y)] z − w . Treating w and z as constants, show that
                                                                      V (y) = 0 if y = w∕2. Recall that such a critical point can
              38. Suppose that group tickets to a concert are priced at AED  correspond to a maximum or minimum of V(y) or some-
                  40 per ticket if 20 tickets are ordered, but cost AED 1 per  thing else (e.g., an inflection point). To discover what we
                  ticket less for each extra ticket ordered, up to a maximum of  have here, redraw Figure b to scale (show the correct rela-
                  50 tickets. (For example, if 22 tickets are ordered, the price  tionship between 2y and w). In physical terms (think about
                  is AED 38 per ticket.) (a) Find the number of tickets that  increasing and decreasing y), argue that this critical point
                  maximizes the total cost of the tickets. (b) If management  is neither a maximum nor minimum. Interestingly enough,
                  wanted the solution to part (a) to be 50, how much should  such a nonextreme critical point would have a definite ad-
                  the price be discounted for extra tickets ordered?  vantage to the Austrians. Their goal was to convert the mea-
                                                                      surement z into an estimate of the volume. Explain why
              39. In sports where balls are thrown or hit, the ball often fin-  ′
                  ishes at a different height than it starts. Examples include  V (y) = 0 means that small variations in y would convert
                  a downhill golf shot and a basketball shot. In the diagram,  to small errors in the volume V.
                  a ball is released at an angle      and finishes at an angle     
                  above the horizontal (for downhill trajectories,      would be
                  negative). Neglecting air resistance and spin, the horizontal                     z        2y
                  range is given by
                                2v cos                                                               2x
                             R =        (tan      − tan     )
                                                                                   FIGURE a
                  if the initial velocity is v and g is the gravitational constant.
                  In the following cases, find      to maximize R (treat v and g as
                  constants): (a)      = 10 , (b)      = 0 and (c)      =−10 . Verify  z  w  2y
                  that      = 45 +      ∕2 maximizes the range.
                                                                              FIGURE b
                                θ        β                          2. A ball is thrown from s = b to s = a (where a < b) with ini-
                                                                      tial speed v . Assuming that air resistance is proportional
                                                                      to speed, the time it takes the ball to reach s = a is
                                                                                       1   (    b − a  )
                                                                                  T =− ln 1 − c       ,
                                                                                       c         v 0
                                                                      where c is a constant of proportionality. A baseball player
                                                                      is 300 ft from home plate and throws a ball directly toward
                                           x 2  y 2                   home plate with an initial speed of 125 ft/s. Suppose that
              40. The area enclosed by the ellipse  a 2  +  b 2  = 1 equals     ab.
                  Find the maximum area of a rectangle inscribed in the el-  c = 0.1. How long does it take the ball to reach home plate?
                                                                      Another player standing x feet from home plate has the op-
                  lipse (that is, a rectangle with sides parallel to the x-axis and  tion of catching the ball and then, after a delay of 0.1 s, re-
                  y-axis and vertices on the ellipse). Show that the ratio of the  laying the ball toward home plate with an initial speed of
                  maximum inscribed area to the area of the ellipse to the area  125 ft/s. Find x to minimize the total time for the ball to
                  of the circumscribed rectangle is 1 :        :2.
                                             2                        reach home plate. Is the straight throw or the relay faster?
              41. Show that the maximum volume enclosed by a right circular  What, if anything, changes if the delay is 0.2 s instead of
                  cylinder inscribed in a sphere equals √ times the volume  0.1 s? For what length delay is it equally fast to have a re-
                                                                      lay and not have a relay? Do you think that you could catch
         Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education  Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education   42. Find the maximum area of an isosceles triangle of given  is considered important to have a relay option in baseball?
                  of the sphere.
                                                                      and throw a ball in such a short time? Why do you think it
                  perimeter p. [Hint: Use Heron’s formula for the area of a tri-
                                                                      Repeat the above if the second player throws the ball with
                                                                      initial speed 100 ft/s. For a delay of 0.1 s, find the value of
                  angle of sides a, b and c : A =
                                          s(s − a)(s − b)(s − c), where
                                                                      the initial speed of the second player’s throw for which it is
                  s = (a + b + c).]
                                                                      equally fast to have a relay and not have a relay.

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                                       Vendor: APTARA   GRADE: 12
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