Page 16 - Nebraska Report Nov Dec 2020
P. 16

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             HARD TRUTH

                                                by Sally Herrin
                                                 by Sally Herrin

             The better angels of America seem to have awakened and the

                Worst — Four More Years — has been averted. This time.

         Hard Truth 1: Our national night-  sure he intends to do all he can to   much that can and must be done—
         mare is far from over. Countries   further part out the resources of the   beginning with sound pandemic
         which once get cozy with a right-   country to hand over to unfettered   policy, including so-called stimulus
         wing demagogue are often in for   capitalism.                        money to aid disaster-stricken
         a bumpy ride over the following       Do not expect too much from    Americans, and restarting—indeed,
         decades. Being as we are now      a Biden Administration, O best     doubling down upon—U.S. partici-
         over our touching but misguided   Beloved… nor yet too little. All the   pation in the Paris Climate Accords.
         belief in ‘American exceptionalism’   rest of my years on Earth will not   Before it all blows by, please
         (RIGHT?), that means us. Trump    see undone all the harms the Trump  take note of Big Pharma’s role in
         can do a lot of mischief between   years have wrecked upon our de-   national events. Pfizer withheld
         now and mid-January, and I am     mocracy, but there is hope now and   news of its vaccine until after the
         NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2020  NE REPORT, P. 16                                             continued on page 14
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