Page 14 - Nebraska Report Nov Dec 2020
P. 14
COVID-19, conclusion
masks in businesses. As of this writing, is testing not as readily available or ac- follow the guidelines from our medical
both locations require wearing masks in cessible in some communities of color? professionals and health department, in-
all businesses except bars and restau- Our committee will continue to pursue cluding quarantining the FULL 14 days
rants. Other communities are considering answers. when exposed. It’s important to note that
similar indoor mask requirements as the Medical professionals and local you CANNOT test out of Quarantine.
virus begins to soar with activities mov- health departments have been encourag- Then you can:
ing indoors. ing residents to continue following CDC • Call your friends/neighbors to encour-
The state positivity rate on November recommendations and wear facemasks, age them to help slow the spread (stay
16, 2020 put Nebraska among the top five maintain a physical distance of six feet, home when possible, wear a mask
in the nation per capita. It is above 17% and wash hands often. People, however, when out, don’t travel this holiday
with 3,440 new cases reported in just one seem to have grown weary of COVID-19. season).
day. Hospitals are nearing capacity. In fact, Many who were initially following the rec-
every metric indicates that the spread of ommendations have let their guard down. • Call Governor Pete Ricketts (402-471-
COVID-19 in Nebraska is much worse Dr. Dan Johnson, division chief of 2244) and ask him to issue an Execu-
than it was at its highest point in the spring, critical care at the University of Nebraska tive Order that will protect those who
the first week of May. Average daily cases Medical Center in Omaha, has been work in meatpacking plants. Tell him to
are up 427%. Number of people hospital- among the most persistent in sounding protect all of us by requiring everyone
ized is up 449%. Total deaths are up 286%. the alarm through both traditional and to wear a mask when in public.
Since April, we have stood up for the social media. “Every family in Nebraska • Contact your local officials to encour-
workers in the meatpacking plants, urging will be affected either by a death or seri- age them to pass and enforce ordi-
our elected officials to implement regula- ous illness,” he warns about COVID-19. nances to require wearing of masks
tions to protect the safety and dignity of Thus he calls for public health officials to inside businesses.
these workers, but with no significant enact more restrictions and encourages • Contact your state senator to ask for
changes. Is this because these “Essential all Nebraskans to follow guidelines. Dr. legislation that allows local health
Workers” are primarily POC? Why are Johnson says that people should avoid directors to require employee testing,
there rules for bars, restaurants, barber being indoors right now with people not implement mask mandates, reduce oc-
shops, offices but not for where this virus in their own household until we slow the cupancy rates, and/or close businesses
was spreading the most quickly and could spread and not overwhelm our healthcare where COVID-19 is spreading.
again? Why are football players tested system. Doing what we can when we can will
daily but not meatpacking workers? Why What can you do? First and foremost, help us all get through this.
HARD TRUTH, conclusion
election. To have done otherwise Hard Truth 2: Little can change rich people. Pete Ricketts’ brother
might have tipped the balance in Nebraska so long as Citizens is Trump’s lead fundraiser. Just so
towards Trump, and I for one am United is the law and the Ricketts we’re clear.
grateful for this act of restraint. The family has money to spend. When a governor effectively
decision may have been made as Altogether, Pete Ricketts and buys legislative seats, no good can
a public relations move, to counter his parents made an investment of come to the people of the state.
widespread and entirely justified $928,000 in Nebraska elections in This kind of patronage is bad for
disgust and outrage at the indus- 2020, some of it to fight extended the relationship of the senators to
try’s exorbitant profits, but at this gambling and in legislative races the governor, and it is bad for the
moment I don’t much care. I’m way to secure the Republican majority relationship of the senators to one
past demanding a pure motive too, which extends and protects Rick- another, creating as it does a two-
when somebody does the right etts’ powerful hold in our nominally tiered system of those who take
thing. non-partisan Unicameral. There are their marching orders from their
rich people, and there are really patron—Senators Brewer, Erd-