Page 10 - Nebraska Report Nov Dec 2020
P. 10

Racism Is a Problem

                 Only Whites Can Solve

                                           vice’ to the “setbacks” and the “dispari-  or mad about this treatment? (Not to
                                            ties” suffered by the Black community,   mention that our ancestors and their de-
                                            though, Mr. Dun promptly proceeds to   scendants were cheated out of billions
                                            next deliver an all-too-familiar public   of dollars of created wealth that went to
                                            scolding of “the more strident voices   enrich a white elite.)
                                            advocating on behalf of the Black com-  To hear from a non-Black, career-
                                            munity”—making clear his displeasure   law enforcement official that important
                                            with those who dwell on the frustra-  opportunities for “finding solutions and
                                            tion and anger and whose “continued
                                            focus on divisive rhetoric and criticism,
                                            rather than finding commonalities of   Only White people
                                            experience and solutions, is counter-
                                            productive.” He then cites a host of   can end the problem
                                            statistics focused on above-average law   of racism. Our job as
                                            enforcement service calls and crime
                                            rates in the African American commu-  people of color is to
                                            nity. Resting his case, Dun concludes
                                            that, “Hurling accusations of racism or   figure out how to deal
                                            ‘victim blaming’ whenever someone
          A’Jamal-Rashad Byndon,            cites such facts does not contribute   with a racist society
                                            to solving these societal challenges;
           Community Advocate for           rather, it deepens societal divides,   that, wherever we go,
                  Real Justice              obfuscates the problem and ignores   whatever we do, never
                                            reality.” The focus of our activism, he
         Weysan Dun, a retired Special Agent   says, should be “on finding solutions   gives us any quarter...
         of the FBI, authored a guest editorial   and common goals rather than dwell-
         in the Omaha World-Herald (11-1-   ing on historic injustices and making
         2020) under the title “Citing facts and   hyperbolic accusations.”   common goals” with Whites are being
         acknowledging crime data is not White   Let’s back up a second and take a   lost when strident voices advocating on
         supremacy”. The op-ed opens with his   hard look at what Mr. Dun is saying to   behalf of the Black community focus
         acknowledging that there is “frustration   the Black community.      on divisive rhetoric and America’s rac-
         and anger” in Black communities over   We live in a country that has   ist past is, frankly, silly.
         being “ignored and marginalized”, with   practiced over 400 years of slavery,   And Dun’s high-handed recita-
         each advance toward equality seeming-  Jim Crow segregation, education and   tion of crime statistics among African
         ly “followed by a setback or new mani-  economic discrimination, disenfran-  Americans reeks exactly of the “victim
         festation of inequality”. He goes on to   chisement, income and wealth dispar-  blaming” he claims to refute. Crime
         state: “The larger community must not   ity, disproportionate conviction and   in the African American community is
         only recognize the pain caused by the   incarceration, and hate crime violence   understood by many as a sociological
         continuing inequality faced by Blacks,   against African Americans, much of   manifestation of poverty… And after
         but also must make a concerted effort   which continues up to this very day.   four centuries of systemic oppression
         to alleviate the disparities of resources   And now, after centuries of this histori-  and exploitation, whose fault is it that
         and seek solutions.”               cal trauma, we’re being told that we   Black America is poor?
             Having paid the obligatory ‘lip ser-  don’t have the right to be angry, upset   Much of what so aggravates me

         NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2020  NE REPORT, P. 10                                             continued on page 13
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