Page 7 - Nebraska Report Nov Dec 2020
P. 7
Pope Francis’ Encyclical Analyzing and Responding to Social Ills Facing Us All
by John Krejci we rethink our styles of life. of love, the parable of the Good Samari-
Among other things the pope puts tan. He urges this kind of care for one
I must admit I rarely read papal docu- up for discussion: trickle-down, the another, especially the stranger, the alien
ments beginning to end. First, they are world’s unfair distribution of wealth, and the oppressed.
often dry and overly pedantic! Besides continued use of the ‘just war’ theory As also previously mentioned,
I, rather righteously, think ‘been there, and the death penalty, and populist Francis rejects the ‘just war’ theory, the
heard that’. In my defense, I have had leaders who appeal to people’s ‘basest death penalty, trickle-down economics,
26 [sic!] years of Catholic education— and most selfish inclinations’. exploitation of the poor, migrants, self-
fortunately most of it was progressive ish populism and narrow nationalism.
and avantgarde. I experienced the mod- “Fratelli Tutti” urges dialogue and He counsels dialogue and cooperation
ernization of Catholic thinking in Rome cooperation among many peoples, tradi- among nations. He gives a shout out
in 1963: The Second Vatican Council. tions, and cultures—working together to to the United Nations, noting that it
However, as for most of us long-time address and mitigate these evils. too needs reform. The ideas offered by
Nebraskans for Peace members, my One might rightly ask: Why should “Fratelli Tutti” are very much in line
early life was sheltered and narrow. I listen to a religious leader who heads with the goals and ideals of Nebraskans
Mine was an urban ethnic community— a flawed institution that has been guilty for Peace. Frankly, the U.S. bishops
not unlike small-town Nebraska, a farm for two millennia of Anti-Semitism, the need to thoughtfully read the encyclical
or other sheltered environment. But as is Crusades, the Inquisition, cooperation more so than members of NFP!
true for many of us, we grow and expand with colonial exploitation—not to men- The Pope is not speaking directly to
our horizons and become more aware of tion the still unresolved sins of sex abuse the United States, but the application of
the shortcomings, injustices and needs of children and oppression of women? the principles are obvious. He cautions
of our communities, our country and Aside from the obvious defense that all that conquering the COVID-19 virus
the world. institutions are imperfect and sinful, I and not changing our selfish individual-
“Fratelli Tutti” speaks to those is- will note the metaphor that even stopped istic, consumerist way is not acceptable.
sues and injustices that have been and clocks are correct twice a day! Fundamental societal change is
continue to be perpetrated by individu- Pope Francis is a Third World necessary. Although during this pan-
als, rival groups and nations. But Pope person and a Jesuit. He is cut from a demic, we are less active at meetings
Francis does not stop at analysis and different cloth—a breath of fresh air. or on streets… and due to age and other
critique; he boldly puts forth recom- Some say an advocate of “Liberation limitations, we may participate less in
mendations to address and eradicate Theology”. He has moved the dialogue Black Lives Matter rallies or anti-death
them. His basis is LOVE. The Good of previous popes from the culture wars penalty vigils, or lobby less for police
Samaritan parable serves a model for of abortion, birth control and narrow reform or against a new prison… we can
action. Joshua McElwee, brilliant Rome sexual morality to a focus on social still read, write, use social media, Zoom
correspondent for the National Catholic justice. meetings and our quiet time sheltering
Reporter begins his analysis with these Francis first catalogues the “dark or in quarantine to reflect on and ponder
words: clouds” hanging over our planet. (Recall these issues. We should not forget to be
Laying out a comprehensive vision that his first Encyclical letter addressed loving and caring for our families.
after the coronavirus pandemic, Pope the dangers of climate change and our St. Francis of Assisi confronted the
Francis imagines societies that are more obligation to change our way of life and corruption of the 13th-century church.
caring, more focused on helping those deal with it.) Pope Francis is asking us to love our
in need and fundamentally less attached As mentioned previously, his bibli- neighbor in the 21st century. And despite
to the principles of market capitalism… cal basis is rooted in the commandment all—never give up hope.
(He) says the continuing global health
crisis makes it all the more urgent that NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2020 NE REPORT, P. 7