Page 6 - Nebraska Report Nov Dec 2020
P. 6

What is “Responsible Investing”?

         by Tyler Mainquist                 sense of responsibility to their community,   sequently avoid companies that oppose
         There are many terms being used to de-  whether that is local or global. There are   them. This is sometimes known as ‘values-
         scribe investment options that aim to deliver   many subsets.         based investing’; or ‘faith-based investing’
         a competitive financial return while also   “Sustainable Investing” most com-  if values come directly from one’s faith life;
         seeking specific non-financial results. The   monly refers to environmental sustainability:   or even “Biblically Responsible Investing”
         historical keyword was “SRI” which meant   ensuring that the companies owned in a   (BRI) if investors trace their stated values
         “Socially Responsible Investing.” The acro-  portfolio have minimal detrimental impact   to the Bible. This aspect is where “socially
         nym has been repurposed to “Sustainable,   on the natural world, or are actively work-  responsible investing” really got its start:
         Responsible and Impact” investing, and   ing to improve it. Addressing global climate   from the Quakers investing their community
         you may see each of those words used on   change via decreased fossil fuel extraction/  resources according to their values, and later
         their own as well. For the last year, the most   consumption is a key goal, as evidenced by   when investors pressured companies to
         popular term has been “ESG” which stands   the Divestment campaign from Bill McKib-  stop supporting apartheid in South Africa—
         for “Environmental, Social and Governance.”   ben, and others. Additional environ-  the original divestment campaign. Today,
         This column will help explain what the invest-  mental drivers include decreasing pollution,   common social goals include supporting
         ment companies are trying to convey with   reducing deforestation, and encouraging   companies which operate with appropriate
         these phrases, and future entries will help   restorative agriculture practices. Some   ethics, including policies to help ensure
         provide additional details, benefits, chal-  firms refer to the United Nations Sustainable   human rights throughout their workforce,
         lenges and examples.               Development Goals (SDGs) to inform their   supply chain, and board of directors. Most
             I place “Responsible Investing” above   investment choices.       also avoid weapon manufacturers, tobacco
         other terms in the hierarchy of descriptors.   Beyond the environment, many inves-  companies, and the private prison industry.
         It captures an investor’s desire to use their   tors want to financially support companies   “Impact Investing” seeks a measurable,
         financial resources in a way that reflects their   that have policies, products or services
                                            that align with their own values, and con-      conclusion on page 12

                                         Align your principal

                                         with your principles.

                                         Learn more about SRI investing.

                                         Sustainable. Responsible. Impact.


            Tyler Mainquist is a Registered Representative and Investment Advisor Representative offering securi-
            ties and investment advisory services soleyly through Ameritas Investment Corp. (AIC). Member FINRA/
            SIPC, a registered broker/dealer and registered investment advisor. AIC and Central Financial Service
            (CFS) are not affiliated. Additional products and services may be available through Tyler Mainquist or
            CFS that are not offered through AIC. Representatives of AIC do not provide tax or legal advice. Please
            consult your tax advisor or attorney regarding your circumstances.
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