Page 11 - Nebraska Report Nov Dec 2020
P. 11

Keeping Up                                                  Political Contacts

                with COVID-19                                                    The White House
                                                                                 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
                                                                                 Washington, DC 20500
                                                                                 Comment Line: 202-456-1111
                                                                                 202-456-1414; Fax 202-456-2993
         Submitted by NFP COVID-19 Commit-     The world’s understanding of the
         tee (Tom Genung, Kathy Niece & Mark  disease  was constantly changing but   Sen. Deb Fischer
         Welsch)                           our committee was able to monitor and   454 Russell Senate Office Bldg.
                                           respond since we met weekly by Zoom.   Washington, D.C. 20510
         Colder weather is here now and folks   On March 19, 2020, Governor Pete   202-224-6551
         throughout Nebraska are looking forward   Ricketts directed restaurants and bars in   202-228-1325 (FAX)
         to the upcoming holiday season as they   Cass, Douglas, Sarpy, and Washington   402-391-3411 (Omaha)
         enjoy a typical autumn.           counties to close their dining/seating areas   402-441-4600 (Lincoln)
             Hmm. That is what we would like   and move to takeout, carry-out, or delivery
         to write but this is not a typical autumn   only. This action came after the Douglas   Sen. Ben Sasse
                                                                                 107 Russell Senate Office Building
             When this worldwide problem started hitting                         Washington, DC 20510
           close to home in early April as outbreaks of the                      402-476-1400 (Lincoln)
              virus reached meatpacking plants and their               
                                                                                 Rep. Jeff Fortenberry, Dist. 1
            communities, Nebraskans for Peace formed a                           1517 Longworth HOB
                                                                                 Washington, D.C. 20515
          small COVID-19 committee to monitor, advocate                          202-225-4806
              for and act on behalf of those affected most                       402-438-1598 (Lincoln)
                       adversely by the coronavirus.                             Rep. Don Bacon
                                                                                 1024 Longworth HOB
                                                                                 Washington, DC 20515
         because this is not a typical year. School,  County Public Health Department re-  Phone: (202) 225-4155
         Husker football, family visits and travel  ported its second case of COVID-19 that
         have all been disrupted due to a global  officials could not trace to its origin (com-  Rep. Adrian Smith, District 3
         pandemic, COVID-19, that has killed over  monly known as a “community spread”   502 Cannon HOB
         1.3 million people worldwide, including  case). Ricketts has issued changing direc-  Washington, DC 20515
         250,000 in the United States and nearly  tives depending on the severity of spread,   Phone: (202) 225-6435
         800 in Nebraska as of this writing.  and available beds in hospitals, in the state.   Fax: (202) 225-0207
             When this worldwide problem started  He has also steadfastly refused to issue any
         hitting close to home in early April as out-  sort of mandate to require residents to wear   Capitol Hill 202-224-3121
         breaks of the virus reached meatpacking  a face mask, even though the Centers for
         plants and their communities, Nebraskans  Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)   State Capitol 402-471-2311
         for Peace formed a small COVID-19 com-  updated recommendations about their   State Senator, District #
         mittee to monitor, advocate for and act on  importance.                 State Capitol; PO Box 94604
         behalf of those affected most adversely by   Lincoln and Lancaster County, de-  Lincoln, NE 68509-4604
         the coronavirus. Initially we urged and  spite threats of a lawsuit by Ricketts, is-  Governor Pete Ricketts
         successfully got some Nebraska health  sued a mask mandate to slow the spread   P.O. Box 94848
         departments to track and report more  of the virus. The Omaha City Council and   Lincoln, NE 68509-4848
         details about the cases, such as ethnicity.  Mayor similarly responded by passing   402-471-2244; Fax 402-471-6031
         It soon became clear that People of Color  ordinances that require the wearing of
         (POC) were—and still are —being hit the
         hardest by COVID-19.                            conclusion on page  14
                                                                NOVEMBER/DECEMBER  2020 NE REPORT, P. 11
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