Page 13 - Nebraska Report Nov Dec 2020
P. 13

Racism, conclusion

                                            ing racism on Blacks and other people   heritage has forever the marked the
             ... Ending racism is           of color—not the other way around.  Black (and I’ll wager the Native)
                                               That being the case, Mr. Dun’s
                                                                              psyche. We are sick of the racism and
             up to White people.            words—“Those who genuinely wish to   dearly want it to stop. But we can’t stop
                                            help alleviate inequality in our society
                                                                              it. It’s not in our power.
               And with nearly              would accomplish more by working,     Only White people can end the
            half of the American            volunteering, donating and investing in   problem of racism. Our job as people
                                                                              of color is to figure out how to deal
                                            underserved communities. All will ben-
            electorate having just          efit if the focus of activism is on find-  with a racist society that, wherever we
                                                                              go, whatever we do, never gives us any
                                            ing solutions and common goals rather
            voted to give Donald            than dwelling on historic injustices and   quarter. Ending racism is up to White
                                                                              people. And with nearly half of the
                                            making hyperbolic accusations”—ring
           Trump a second term,             pretty hollow to this African Ameri-  American electorate having just voted
            it doesn’t appear that          can’s ears.                       to give Donald Trump a second term, it
                                                                              doesn’t appear that they’re ready to do
                                               We cannot ignore the historic
               they’re ready to             holocaust of slavery… of the genocide   it any time soon.
                                            of African Americans and the Native
             do it any time soon.           population of this continent as hav-  A’Jamal Byndon is Chair of the board
                                                                              of MORE, an organization working to
                                            ing no relevance to the current socio-
                                            economic conditions in Nebraska and   address race equity and anti-racism in
                                            the United States at large. That hideous   our Omaha. He can be reached at
         about Weysan Dun’s opinion piece is                                  5529 North 111th Street, 402-578-6729.
         that, ultimately, with his proposed solu-
         tions he is placing the onus of ‘getting
         White society to change’ onto backs
         of Blacks. To do what he’s proposing,   Your Foundation Speaks
         Black people are somehow supposed
         to rise above their historical trauma,
         their lower economic station, and their    by Loyal Park, Nebraska Peace Foundation President
         reduced educational and career oppor-
         tunities… We’re supposed forget the in-  I want to report that, in spite of the coronavirus pandemic,
         stitutional racism and higher conviction   our investments in alternative energy and alternative
         and incarceration rates in the criminal   energy infrastructure are doing very well. For the first time
         justice system… We’re supposed to     our permanent endowment has over $1 million invested.
         overlook the presidential dog-whistles
         to White supremacists, the horrors of   Our investments include Brookfield Renewable Partners
         George Floyd’s eight-minute-long mur-  and Brookfield Renewable Corporation, Hannon Armstrong
         der, and the generalized feeling that we   Sustainable Infrastructure Capital and
         “can’t breathe”… And we’re supposed   NextEra Energy and NextEra Energy
         to swallow our hurt and anger, resist   Partners. Dividends, estimated to
         the use of critical and divisive language
         that might alienate fragile White egos,   be nearly $40,000 annually from our
         and meet privileged White people half-  investments, go directly to support
         way…                                  Nebraskans for Peace.
             Well, that’s not going to happen,   Please consider what you can do and
         because racism in America (and every-  make a donation to Nebraska Peace
         thing that comes with it in terms of
         wealth and power and privilege) isn’t   Foundation so we can add more
         something Black people created and    renewable energy stocks to our portfolio.
         benefit from. It’s a White ‘Apartheid’-
         system problem. Whites are perpetrat-
                                                                NOVEMBER/DECEMBER  2020 NE REPORT, P. 13
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