Page 10 - 100 Uses For Essential Oils
P. 10

Safety guidelines

        It is important to note that some essential oils are never safe to use internally because of their
        chemical profile. Each dōTERRA  essential oil includes application guidelines using the symbols
                      and       which stands for “Aromatic,” “Topical,” and “Internal.” Any dōTERRA product

        marked with an “I” has been deemed safe for internal use. Remember, even if an essential oil is
        considered safe for internal use, the proper application methods and dosage must be applied in
        order to stay within the realm of safe usage.

        Essential oils that should never be used internally in any amount:

                   Arborvitae                    Douglas Fir                   Spikenard

                   Cedarwood                     Eucalyptus  +                 Wintergreen


        +dōTERRA  Eucalyptus  oil  comes  from  Eucalyptus radiata,  which  is  not  intended  for  internal  use.  Other  dōTERRA
        products, such as dōTERRA On Guard , include Eucalyptus globulus, which is safe to use internally.
        Essential oils that are considered to be safe for internal use:

                   Basil                         Frankincense                  Melissa

                   Bergamot                      Geranium                      Myrrh

                   Black Pepper                  Ginger                        Oregano

                   Cardamom                      Grapefruit                    Patchouli

                   Cassia                        Helichrysum                   Peppermint

                   Cilantro                      Juniper Berry                 Petitgrain

                   Cinnamon Bark                 Lavender                      Roman Chamomile

                   Clary Sage                    Lemon                         Rosemary

                   Clove                         Lemongrass                    Sandalwood

                   Copaiba                       Lime                          Hawaiian Sandalwood

                   Coriander                     Marjoram                      Siberian Fir

                   Fennel                        Melaleuca (Tea Tree)          Ylang Ylang
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