Page 27 - 100 Uses For Essential Oils
P. 27

Essential oils with benefits for skin

            Arborvitae                Douglas Fir               Juniper Berry             Roman Chamomile

            Basil                     Eucalyptus                Lavender                  Rose

            Bergamot                  Frankincense              Lime                      Sandalwood

            Cedarwood                 Geranium                  Melaleuca                 Spikenard

            Clary Sage                Grapefruit                Melissa                   Thyme

            Coriander                 Helichrysum               Myrrh                     Wintergreen

            Cypress                   Jasmine                   Patchouli

        Essential oils with benefits for hair

                   Clary Sage                    Melaleuca                     Sandalwood

                   Geranium                      Peppermint                    Thyme

                   Lavender                      Roman Chamomile               Ylang Ylang

                   Lime                          Rosemary

        Essential oils with benefits for the gums, teeth, or mouth

                   Cilantro                      Frankincense                  Myrrh

                   Clove+                        Helichrysum                   Peppermint

                   Coriander                     Juniper Berry                 Spearmint

                   Fennel                        Lime                          Thyme+

        +Dilute with water or toothpaste before using these strong oils, and only use a small amount
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