Page 13 - 03-RISE-March-2021
P. 13

My journey in cricket                                   Talent Wins Games But
                                                                   Teamwork Wins Championships
                             Article                                                  Story

                                                               I  was  a  young  boy  who  lived  in  Abu  Dhabi.  I  was  really
                    I started playing cricket in the year 2014. I
                                                               good at football when I played there. Everyone was jealous
                    have  been  trained  at  the  'Zayed  Cricket   of me since I always scored a lot of goals. Everyone always
                    Academy' and currently am being trained at   wanted  me  in  their  team.  Once  when  I

                    the  ’Ultimate  Sports  Academy’.  I have  de-  was playing, a strange visitor was pass-
                    veloped a lot while playing cricket, both in   ing by. He stopped and started watching
                    sports and about being tough in life.
                                                               my  game.  He  then  called  me  after  the
                                                               match.   He   selected   me    for

                                                               a  championship,  and  that  was  when  I

       Recently,  I  participated  in  a                       realized he was the coach of a club. That

       T20    Tournament-‘Ultimate                             was one of the happiest moments of my
       Premiere League’. I played for                          life. The next day my father dropped me at the stadium and
       the  ‘Ultimate  Stars’  team  in                        I entered there. The coach and the other players welcomed

       the  Under-19  category.  Our                           me. It was my first day of training. I played perfect in the
       team  won  all  the  games  as                          training. Everyone was impressed by my performance. I was
                                                               so proud at the moment. One week later we played our first
       well as the finals and we lifted
                                                               match  in  which  we  won.  Everyone  was  celebrating  in  the
       the winner's cup. I contributed
       in the finals both in batting by scoring quick runs and bowl-  locker room. The streak continued for 5 games in which we
       ing tight overs. I am proud to be a cricketer.          got qualified to Quarter finals. But then in the first leg of
                                                               the match, we lost 2-0. Our coach was disappointed by our
                                                               performance.  Most  of  the  teammates  blamed  me  for  not

                                                               passing. I was angry at them and started yelling at them. My
                                                               coach was about to ban me for the 2nd leg of the match. I
                                                               went home and starting crying. Then I went out to play with

                                                               my friends. I tried to dribble and score but every time my
                                                               opponent players would take the ball from me. The score
                                                               was 3-0, but then I suddenly received the football, so I just
                                                               passed to my teammate to get rid of it. He scored suddenly

                                                               after receiving the pass. That’s when I realized that talent
                                                               wins games, but teamwork can win championships. The next
                                                               day I said sorry to my teammates while in training. Believe

                                                               me or not, we won the next match 3-0 out of which I scored
                                                               2 and assisted 1. My team and coach congratulated me. I

                                                               followed   this   path   till   today   and   therefore
                                                               won numerous championships  .

                      Pranet Shah                                                   Salsaal Said
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