Page 10 - 03-RISE-March-2021
P. 10

My Father — My Inspiration                      At evening, my father came home from work and saw

                          Creative Writing                     me crying. I told him the reason for my breakdown. He
                                                               told me the reasons for the new kid’s behaviour and
         The character that has created an immense impact      some  good  tips  to  help.  I  was  surprised  on  how  he

         on my young life is my father. It all started when I was   knew so much about this. He told me not to give up
         in first grade. I usually used to be a nerd in my class   hope  and  have  faith.  On  the  next
         and I would raise my hand for every question. My class   morning  I  went  to  school  with  an
         teacher Miss Anuradha Mam would be so happy when      open  mind,  to face  Ishaan. He  was
         my fellow classmates and I used to answer her ques-   waiting  there  at  the  door  ready  to
         tions  and  in  return,  we  would  be  happy  to  answer   throw  pebbles  at  me.  I  went  to-
         them, but the best part was that if she was in a really   wards him confidently and told him,
         great mood, she would give us toffees for every cor-  “Ishaan, I know why you are acting
         rect  answer.  Life  was  pretty  normal  for  me  around   like  this”.  When  he  heard  this,  he
         that time but to my dismay something bad happened.    lowered his hand with pebbles and waited to complete

         On a fresh Sunday when we were in school a new boy    my sentence. I told “You are acting like this because
         was seen in the class. My friends and I were puzzled.   you are afraid of not being noticed”. He was dumb-
         We asked who he was but before he could reply our     founded and went into class without saying anything.
                              school  bell  rang  and  we  all   During recess he caught my hand and dragged me to
                              sat down immediately. When       the  bathroom  before  anyone  could  notice.  I  was
                              our class teacher arrived, we    scared what he was going to do to me. Luckily, no one
                              all  wished  her.  She  saw  the   was there in the bathroom. He took me to one of the
                              new face and signaled him to     bathroom stalls and told,” you’re right”. I said “what?”.

                              come  forward.  Our  teacher     He  repeated  “you’re  right”.  I  asked  “Right  about
                              said “Class, this is your new    what?” He said “you’re right, I am afraid of not being
         classmate Ishaan, He is a transfer student, please be   noticed, In my last school I was treated like a nobody
         kind  and nice  towards  him”. We  all  welcomed him.  I   and no one wanted to be my friend, so I thought if I
         offered the seat beside me for him, but he ignored me.   came to this school and bullied kids like you I would be
         I  thought he  was a bit  shy and  needed  some space,   noticed.”  I  said”  Ishaan, you’re  a  great  student but  I
         that may have been the reason that he turned down     want  to  consider you  more  than a  friend, Ishaan  do
         my kind offer but in no time I understood that I was   you want to be my BEST friend??” He was astonished.
         wrong. After our Math teacher had left for the break,   For a second he said nothing but in the end he told
         Ishaan came to my seat and to my sudden aston-                       “yes I would, thank you so much”. So

         ishment  just  snatched  the  book  I  was  reading                  after  recess  we  returned  to  class
         from my hands and whispered some names into                          and to my surprise he shifted to the
         my ear. I was out of my mind and went and told                       seat  beside  me  and  sat  with  me
         my class teacher about his rude behaviour, when                      throughout the entire school day! So
         she  heard  my  tale,  she  did not  believe  me  and                now  you  know  why  I  consider  my
         also she looked disappointed in me. She told me                      father as an inspiration, because of
         “Jerry,  how  can  you  complain  about  something                   him my greatest bully in school be-
         he hasn’t done, on top of that he is a new stu-                      came my best friend.

         dent. I thought you would be his best friend but hear-
         ing about your complaint made me lower my expecta-
         tions. What could I do? She didn’t believe me. I went
         home dejected. I was crying all evening.                               Jerry Mathew
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