Page 7 - 03-RISE-March-2021
P. 7

The Invincible Humans                                    “Polish” by Surprise

                              Poem                                                    Poem

                                                                     As I opened my mini pocket dictionary

                                                                      With excitement having no boundary,
                                                                       To look at a random word in English
                                                                  I was caught by the sight of the word “Polish”.

                                                                  The word carried a significant

                      From winning a match                          Leaving me with a cheerful

                 To facing challenges face to face,                          feeling.
                  The invincible power of humans                 As Noun, being the language of
                         have never failed.                                  Poland
                       From Adam and eve                         However difficult to produce and
           To the large community in which we live now,                    understand.
                   The curiosity to explore more
                   has never quenched its thirst.
                                                                    Known for picturesque and diverse nature
                        We built buildings                        Mind blowing evidence of God’s architecture.
                        We raised children,                     Verb meaning, make smooth and shiny by rubbing
               We bought in beauty and life to earth.               Which reminds me, the art of massaging.
             We never stopped when problems arose
                  We always knew to smile at it.
                        We’re the Creators
                        We’re the masters,
                      And nothing can stop us
                     from being The Supreme.

                         We fought wars
                         We won trophies,
                 We have learned to rise from fall ,
            From the deserts we created green heavens            Interpretation stands for “refine” or “improve”
                     To a world of pessimists,                           Which I can hardly disapprove.
                We brought in optimism and peace.                 The chitchat reminds me of childhood rhyme
           We’re the invincible and we’re The Supreme.              Fun I had, that can’t be bought for a dime.

                                                                          This English Creative Activity
                                                                       Shows the language exceptionality,
                                                                         Writing a poem is a tough fight
                                                                  Held my breath and wrote through the night.

                                                                                 Rishi Kanth Rama
                          Aswathy Radhakrishnan                                              6G

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