Page 11 - 03-RISE-March-2021
P. 11

Some Of The Brightest Minds In The
          Country Can Be Found On The Last                       Gadgets “You are most welcome”
               Benches Of The Classroom
                                                                Due  to  Covid,  classrooms  are  now  replaced  by  online
         Surprisingly  when  we  research
                                                                learning. Yesterday was my first day of online class. I was
         the term backbencher online  the                       sitting at home in my chair, paying attention to the  class
         result  says-  “backbencher-any  of                    teacher as she made an announcement to all the students.

         the  members  of  a  legislature,  es-                 I was nervous, thinking what the announcement could be?
         pecially of the House of Commons                       Teacher then told us that till now gadgets were not al-
                                                                lowed  inside  the  school  campus.  But  now  because  of
         of Great Britain, but not including
                                                                covid, the time has come that gadgets are going to be our
         the leaders of the parties.”
                                                                friend which will guide us in our studies. I was happy and
         Applying this meaning to the common usage of the word   excited  thinking  that  I  can  use  my  computer  for  a  long

         in  our  classroom  seems  apt.  Comparison  between  the   time. Least did I know that watching it too long time is
         frontbenchers and backbenchers in a class is intriguing.   going to hurt my poor eyes.

         Backbenchers  are  not  the  academic  leaders  of  a  class,   But  teacher  then  told  there
         whereas  front  benchers  are  the  apple  of  the  eye,  they   is  a  new  rule  in  the  school
                                                                “After  we  use  gadgets  we
         usually excel in many areas of the class and are praised by
                                                                have  to  exercise  our  eyes
         the   teachers. They are the ones who are nominated as
                                                                daily”  and  all  the  students
         monitors and given esteemed positions in a class. This is
                                                                should  follow  this  rule  for
         understandable;  however,  we  should  not  undermine  the   safety of eyes. I know classrooms are important as stu-

         intelligence  of a backbencher.  Backbenchers  may  not be     dents can meet each other and share their ideas and have
         academic aces, but their creativity is not restricted. Even   fun during break time, but when I think of waking up early

         when we compare this to the house of commons, back-    in the morning, dressing up, having breakfast and going to
         benchers are not a part of any specific party which means   school in hurry, sitting long time in school bus, sometimes

                        they  can  freely  voice  their  opinions   I feel that this new online system is fine. I believe, other
                                                                kids might be feeling the same. Anyways, it is not in our
                        without  hesitation.  Similarly,  a  class-
                                                                hands to completely stop corona and return back to nor-
                        room  backbencher  is not  restricted  by
                                                                mal life on a sudden. So we have to adjust to this situation
                        books and creatively express concepts.
                                                                and go ahead in life. Though gadgets have side effects to

                                                                our health if we use it long time, it has become a part of
                                                                our  daily  life  now.  So  we  have  no  other  choice.  But  we
       JOB  PACKAGE  THAN  THEM   To summarise we can say that to excel   should  use  it  when  required  only,  don't  misuse  it  by
                        we need knowledge but to succeed we
                                                                watching  unnecessary  things  that  affect  our  brain  and
         all need a backbencher in us.
                                                                health. Watch informative things available online so that

                                                                we  can  increase  our  knowledge.  So,  Gadgets....,  you  are
                                                                most welcome to my school life.

                        Enrique Mendez                                               Adithya Balram
                                    8E                                                6 G

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