Page 15 - RISE_NOVEMBER-2021
P. 15
Leonardo Da Vinci and Mathematics
Leonardo Da Vinci was an Italian Re-
naissance polymath Although Leo-
nardo Da Vinci was known for his in-
credible artworks, he was well
ahead of his time in the field of
mathematics. He created many of
his artworks using principles of
mathematics which includes some of
paintings like The Last Supper, The
Vitruvian Man, and the Adoration of
the Magi. He even used the Golden
Ratio in many artworks like the fa-
mous Mona Lisa.
He used various geometric shapes to
perfect his artworks. The unfinished
Adoration of the Magi shows Da Vinci’s
use of mathematical operations, figure
drawing and his perspective of think-
ing. Using his knowledge of mathemat-
ics, Leonardo was ahead of his time.
Reagan Phiby Mathew