Page 17 - RISE_NOVEMBER-2021
P. 17
A Once in A Lifetime Interview with Mr. Carbon Dioxide
Hello, friends. My name is Saanvi Purushothaman and before we start let me ask you some questions. Do
you know the current state of our world? Do you know what or who caused it? And do you know who’s the
guest tonight? Yes, my friends. We got a once in a lifetime interview with Mr. Carbon Dioxide.
Saanvi Purushothaman: Good morning, Mr. Carbon! It’s an honor to speak with you.
Carbon Dioxide: Good morning, Ms. Saanvi. It’s nice to meet you too.
SP: So, Mr. Carbon. How do you feel being known worldwide?
CD: Well, though I’m known worldwide, people don’t crowd me unlike other famous personalities.
SP: Hmmm. And there are a lot of people protesting against you. How do you feel about that?
CD: I am not a bit fazed by their actions.
SP: Really! But they are blaming you for the current state of the world.
CD: How can it possibly be my fault? I am just a gas that floats in the atmosphere.
SP: Well, they’ve been saying that when the amount of carbon dioxide has increased in the months, the
earth becomes warmer.
CD: I do not have the power to duplicate myself.
SP: Then how do you increase?
CD: When you humans burn fossil fuels and use a lot of chemicals in facto-
ries, I am created. You have been doing this for so long that I am increas-
ing more and more, even now!
SP: Oh, then why can’t you stop the reproduction?
CD: I also don’t have the power to do that.
SP: But are you okay with you hurting our planet?
CD: Of course, not! Earth is my home and I never had any intention of bring-
ing it harm.
SP: Oh, but is there any way to curb your amount of gas?
CD: Yes, there are.
SP: Can you please tell what those ways are?
CD: Sure. You can ride a bus or your cycle or walk to your destination instead of using your cars. You
should conserve natural resources as they will be very useful. And last but not least, plant trees.
SP: Thank You a lot Mr. Carbon for sparing your time to talk to us.
CD: Your welcome. I wanted to help in any way and your show gave me a
golden opportunity.
SP: Thanks once again Mr. Carbon. I hope our viewers will take responsi-
bility for what’s happening now. We need to take action and we can-
not ignore this situation. Thank you and have a nice day.
Saanvi Purushothaman