Page 6 - RISE_NOVEMBER-2021
P. 6
The sun rises again. The sunshine hits the eyes of a grown, tired man. Old Donald woke up
with a frown, grabbed his rusty hoe and hurried away to the field far away in the horizon. It
was ten minutes past seven and he’d be late for the harvest. Poor Donald, he has no hopes
whatsoever and his only duty is to feed and keep his family alive. He barely got any sleep as
he spent the whole night separating weed from his corn, so his family won’t go hungry. Life
is indeed very hard for this sixty- seven- year- old man. Donald was walking along the path
as he hoped something would change his life.
After, an hour of walking, he finally reached the destination, a fifty- yard corn field. There,
he saw another man working; it was Richard Trunks, another man of Donald’s age. Richard
was a friend from Donald’s long- gone childhood. Richard was often ridiculed as a child on-
ly because of how silly he seemed irrespective of his pure heart filled with respect and truth.
Richard and Donald exchange a, “Good morning buddy!!” and got to work in an instant.
Richard harvested the crops with his sickle, and Donald tilled the soil and planted new
seeds which were meant for the next harvest.
Several hours pass, its fifteen minutes past five and the men were completely exhausted. As
they sat down and gasped for breath, Richard spotted something in the distance. “What’s
that over there?”, Richard asked, “What are you talking about? I can barely see anything ex-
cept for a pile of corn.”, Donald replied, “Can’t you see that? There’s something shimmering
in the distance, like a gold lamp!!”, Richard claimed, “Listen to me Richard, you’re halluci-
nating!! You know there’s nothing there!!”, Donald yelled. Richard sure of what he saw ran
to the spot, picked the object, and returned proving his point. “See? I’m not a fool as you
think I am, Donald.”, Richard said quite annoyed, “Oh wow! You are right after all! Wait,
where are my spectacles?!” Said a clueless Donald. The men examined the object; it seemed
like a remote from the nineteen hundred’s, it had buttons with the alphabets on the top and
a circle in the middle. Now curious, Donald typed gold, pressed the circle, and pointed at the
corn. “Absolutely phenomenal!”, cried Donald. The corn turned completely gold!
Dumbfounded, they rushed to their homes with their phenomenal powers. First, they tried
to fix their old tools as a thought struck them. Their life had got a huge turning point!! They
had everything they wanted most almost immediately! Well, the first thing they ordered was
food. Burgers, Pizzas, Pastas, everything!! Within a day, both the families gained a pound!
They lived days like they were in a dream. Within a week they became millionaires and they
had good clothes, nice meals, and a happy family. The whole family had what they wished.
In a few weeks Richard and Donald had made it on the news as they were multi-national
billionaires who owned large companies! They were easily the richest men alive. Their
house was larger than any house in the world; it had massive pools, a home theatre, and over
twenty cars!! Some people believed that they could own even a planet for themselves!!