Page 7 - RISE_NOVEMBER-2021
P. 7

All these riches completely changed Donald’s and Richard’s life but, it was not always for
         the better. Donald and Richard soon became so obsessed with their riches. They sometimes
         forgot that they had a family and a life besides their money. Donald and Richard would of-

         ten fight for a chance to use the device. The condition became so extreme that Donald and
         Richard started seeking therapy to eradicate their obsession of riches and money but, it led
         to no success. Eventually, their family started hating them for their lack of concern over their
         safety. Even then, Donald and Richard wouldn’t care less. They flew away from their own

         family to focus on their own life. Years pass and the conditions just got worse. Not any soon-
         er they met their family once again. Donald and Richard were astonished to see how much
         their children have grown but, their children hated them for their irresponsibility.

         One day, Donald was diagnosed with a severe disease. No sooner later Richard was diag-
         nosed with the same disease. You might have already guessed what might have happened.
         Well, they were addicted to having more riches that they did not look after their own health
         even once. Who knew having such a blessing would soon turn into a curse?

         As the two were laying down on their beds, a doctor entered the room and with a face with
         agony claimed that, “Both of you are soon… going to leave this world. There are only a few

         weeks left before you pass away.”. Shocked by these results, Donald asked with tears in his
         eyes “Why is this happening?!”, while Richard sat there with his mouth wide open with
         shock and regret. Donald and Richard had no one to look after them. They could not do any-
         thing now. No matter what they did, they would still face the punishment for their actions.

         For the first time in years, they were hopeless.

         After few weeks, Donald and Richard were in their beds, barely able to move. It was time for

         them to pass away and face their punishment. It was that moment when Donald realized his
         mistake and closed his eyes, waiting for death to take him away… Suddenly, he got up. But
         this is his old bed, the one before he became rich. Then Donald stood up and stretched with
         a smile, as now he knew he had been given a second chance.

         Now, knowing dear life is much more important than worldly riches, he took his rusty hoe
         and walked to the field in the horizon, as the sun rises again.

                                                                             Reagan Phiby Mathew

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