Page 5 - 02-RISE-February-2021
P. 5

Usage of anything much more than required may cause trou-  house and the tree itself. They also put ladders to climb the
         ble and it is the responsibility of parents to take care of their   treehouse and only 1/5th of the tree house was done. The
         kids  and  keep  eyes  on  them  to  control  the  usages  of  such   next day they had finished 2/5th of the tree house and only
         gadgets.                                              had 3 days left as this was the 2nd out of 5 days. 3 days later
         Young  generation  also  spoil  their  important  time  on  social
         media  &  YouTube  etc  rather  using  such  technology  in  new   they  had  finished  their  treehouse.  They  got  so  excited  that

         invention and innovation.                             they forgot it was almost lunch time. There was rice, veg cur-
         However it is very important to use such gadget as world and   ry, fried potatoes, samosas and veg sushis. But they told that
         market demands it in today’s era. If we use such technology   they wanted to play in their treehouse a bit more. But their
         wisely, it will be beneficial to everyone.            mother kindly replied that they need to eat their lunch or they

                                                               won’t  get  dessert.  They  asked  what  was  for  dessert.  Their

                                                               mother  replied  that  there  was  blueberry  pie.Although  they

                                     Kalp Modi / 6E            wanted to eat pie because they loved mom’s homemade blue-
                                                               berry pie, they also wanted to play in their treehouse . Then

                                                               louis  told  they  will eat  in  the  tree house.  They  ate  to  their
                                                               heart fill and was stuffed up. They even ate their dinner in the
                                                               treehouse. This continued for 1 week and their parents got
                                                               worried.  They  even  slept  there  because  5  days  ago  they
                                                               moved their bed to the treehouse. Although their parents had
         The little tree that stands in a very big and beautiful garden
                                                               the permission to get rid of the treehouse, they saw that there
         which belongs to the mardises was very bent by the trunk and
                                                               was joy filled in the children’s minds and did not want to stop
         the roots were really weak .Little jimmy was really sad that
                                                               that. 4 days later they even quit school just to play in their
         their  oldest  tree  was  getting  uprooted  .Even  his  brothers
                                                               treehouse. Their parents creid and prayed to god everyday to
         mark and louis' were flooding their eyes with tears because
                                                               make things back to normal. 1 day the boys woke up as usual
         they  have  many  memories  of  them  playing  under  the  tree
                                                               and when they went to get breakfast, there were waffles, their
         when mark was 6 and louis was 9. But that was two years ago
                                                               favorite. But there was a note from their parents saying-:
         and they have grown so much from then but they still had
         tears. They went to their house sadly but as they saw the tree

         getting pulled, mark struck with an idea. he rushed to his fa-
         ther and his brothers followed. He quickly told his father that

         he  could  make  a  treehouse.  But  his  father  replied  that  the
         trunk cannot hold all the weight of the three children. Then

         louis told his father that he will take care of that. Their father
         cancelled  the  uprooting.  The boys  went  to  work  right  away

         and louis was in-charge. Louis told mark to get some wood
         and told jimmy to help him make the wooden poles. But then
         louis knew the poles were not enough to hold the treehouse

         and the trunk itself. So then he got another idea. He took the
         leftover wood from making the poles and built a stronger base

         to hold the treehouse and started building the treehouse with
         the help of six hands. They put more wood to hold the tree-
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