Page 9 - 02-RISE-February-2021
P. 9
In this situation many children across the globe lost A SECRET SUPERPOWER IN ME
education for months due to unavailability of learning
resources. Looking at the need of the situation, the Story
government provided free electronic devices such as
mobiles, tabs and laptops to families who could not
afford them.
When the COVID-19 battle comes to an end, we can
again have the journey of fun learning with our teach-
ers and mates as we used to have before in school.
Today morning I woke up with very bad headache.
When I went to the kitchen to take a glass of water,
my mother was there cooking. Then I felt her saying
that “We are going to the amusement park today
evening”. I was so happy to hear that because it has
been a long time since I went to an amusement park. I
asked my mother happily, “Are we really going to the
amusement park today?”. My mom gave me shocked
look and asked how did you know? I was also con-
fused, I asked her, “But didn’t you just say it?”. She
Milin Dileep Kumar then told that she was only thinking about it. Then, I
7D went out of the kitchen being totally shocked.
Then, I went to school. It was Mathematics period, and
the teacher was asking everyone questions related to
Algebra. It was going to be my turn, but I had the
same feeling that I had today morning when I had the
THE FEELING I GET WHEN conversation with my mother. Then I said the answer,
. The teacher too gave a shocked look. She asked,
I AM LOST IN A BOOK “How did you know the question that I was going to
Poem ask you?” I just said, “I guessed it” with a confused
face. Then she told my answer is correct. Some of my
The feeling I get when I am lost in a book, friends were staring at me. I knew something was
Is calmness. wrong with me today.
I feel that I am in another world, Like that, several incidents happened today. Wherever
Away from all peering eyes. I went near my friends, they were staring at me. Then I
I feel like I am looking at reality, realized that I had the power to read others’ mind! But
And nothing could disturb me. I say things that others’ think in their mind sometimes
But I feel really sad, so that I don’t hurt others’ feelings. I was very happy
When I complete my book. and I thought that it’s very cool to have a secret su-
perpower in me!
Nazneen Haneef
6D Athira Olikkoor Raji