Page 8 - 02-RISE-February-2021
P. 8
“What mental health needs is more sunlight, Article
Education improves your knowledge, skill and develops
your attitude. It is the most important weapon which
you can use to change the world. Education can ensure
that you get success in every field of life.
Education is paramount in each individual's life. Educa-
more candor, and more unashamed conversation.”
How many times have we been comfortable talking
about physical pain, but completely shy away from
mental pain? Mental illness is nothing to be ashamed tion is like a treasure that assists one to fill the wealth
of. It is the stigma behind it that we need to get rid of. of their success.
We all experience pain and sadness, some more than
others. It takes a great deal of courage and strength to
battle with your mind every day. Everyone deals with Millions of children in the villages of India don't get the
pain differently. However, having people around who opportunity of learning due to the barrier of poverty
understand and will listen could make a world of that stands between them and prevents them from
learning. To meet the daily requirements of life, chil-
People who deal with mental illness don’t speak out dren instead of going to school and attending regular
because of their fear of being judged. This is what classes, they do odd jobs such as of a labourer.
leads them to believe that they are alone, that they are To ensure that each child goes to school and study, the
not good enough. This is what has to change in our government of India has provided free and compulsory
society as a whole. To let people know that it is okay to education to all children aged between 6-14 years irre-
not be perfect, it is okay to feel too much, it is okay to spective of their caste and economic background.
be scared. At present, the entire world is suffering from corona
pandemic, due to which we all are confined to our
Because at the end of the day, none of us have it all
figured out. houses and were restricted to go out. Malls, schools,
gyms, offices, education and other entertainment
centers were all closed.
As schools were shut down, classes were started
on online platforms such as zoom to ensure the
Aysha Mohammed / 8D flow of education is not disrupted.
We all adapted to style of online-living and doing
tasks using electronic devices in online.