Page 48 - The Modul of Psycholinguistics Studies_2
P. 48
Most of people believe that children are better than
adults when attempting to learn a second language. But whether
it is true or not, we shall see in this chapter.
The factors involved in second language acquisition can
be divided into two kinds: The Psychological within includes
intellectual processing, memory and also motor skills. Second is
the social, includes the types of situations, the natural and
classroom situations. These settings and interactions can affect
our ability to learn a second language.
1. Psychological factors affecting second–language learning.
a. Intellectual processing
Explication: is the process whereby the rules and the
structures of a second language are explained to the learners
in their native language. In such cases, explication may even
be a faster than induction, since induction requires that a
learner be repeatedly to words, phrases, and sentences along
with relevant situations.
Induction: learning rules by self discovery is the
essence of the process of induction. Actually not only must
the learner devise, consciously or unconsciously, the rule
based on the speech that has been heard, but they must also
figure out how the rules are to be applied in other cases.
Such phenomena as pro nominalization, negation, and also
plural are learned by induction and become part of young
48 | Fatma Yuniarti, M.Pd., B.I