Page 52 - The Modul of Psycholinguistics Studies_2
P. 52
2) The Classroom situation
In the classroom situation, adult will do better than
young children, not only they are better in explicative
processing, but they know how to be student. They have
sufficient maturity to meet the rigors of a formal learning
environment, where concentration, attention, and even the
ability to sit still for a long time, all play a role in learning.
3. Critical Age
We was discussion about wild children, we know that
there is an age when a person can‟t acquire the first language at
all, because some reasons. But in the second language
acquisition, we find no critical age in terms of acquiring the
syntax of a second language. In other hand, according to Shovel –
we disagree with him in some points – that no adult can ever be
successful in the regard of pronunciation as well as the native
speakers do. “The critical period for accent less speech simply
means that adults will never learn to pass themselves off as
native speakers phonologically.”. We cannot agree that there is
absolute critical age for pronunciation. There is a critical age for
most people, but not for all.
52 | Fatma Yuniarti, M.Pd., B.I