Page 50 - The Modul of Psycholinguistics Studies_2
P. 50

A summary of the various psychological factors and their
            functioning according to age is:

                             Psychological factors                Social factors

                                      Intellectual                 Situations

                         Induc    explic  Memory    Motor      natural    classro
                         tive     ative             skills               om

              Children   High     Low     High      High       High      Low
              under 7

              7 - 12     High     Mediu   Med/      Med/       Medium    Medium
                                  m       High      High

              Adults     High     High    Medium    Low        Low       High
              over 12

            2.  Social situations affecting second language learning

                a.  The Natural situation
                       A natural situation for second language learning is one

                where  the  second  language  is  expressed  in  a  situation  in
                which  the  native  language  is  learned.  Language  is
                experienced  in  conjunction  with  the  objects,  situation  and

                events of everyday life; it is not taught in classroom.
                b.  The Classroom situation

                       The classroom for second language learning is planned
                or  an  artificially  constructed  situation.  As  we  know,
                physically,  there  is  a  room  which  is  arranged  so  that  it  is

                isolated  from  the  rest  of  life.  Also  there  are  teacher  and

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