Page 51 - The Modul of Psycholinguistics Studies_2
P. 51
students as the subjects of teaching and learning language
process in the room.
Other characteristics of classroom situation. Individual
must subordinate their behavior and follow classroom procedures
for the benefit of all, the need to attend class in order to learn,
the need for long periods of concentration and when required
having to do home study.
Based on thae statement above, So, who is better?
1) The Natural situation
In the natural situation, younger children will do best.
First of all, the natural situation is ore favorable to children
because adults undergo a marked decline in the quality and
quantity of social interaction conducive to good language
In the natural situation, will be easier for children to
learn syntax than it will be for adult. Since, adult undergo a
decline in memory and without remembering data there is
nothing to analyze. Adults and even older children no longer
have the formidable powers of rote learning that young
learners do. Although adult devise memory strategies and can
seek out more practice. Children possess the flexibility in
motor skills which adult do not have. Children will do much
better in acquiring native pronunciations in second language.
It can be conclude that in all respects of language learning,
for the natural situation, children will do better than adults,
with younger children doing better than older children.
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