Page 125 - July 2020 Board Meeting Agenda_Neat
P. 125
1. Status of IAATI Accounts as of 30 June 2020.
(Figures reflect status of accounts as of 30 June 2020, except Masrercard 12 July 2020)
U.S. funds on deposit with KeyBank National Association, Utica, NY:
Checking No. 695 $ 3,552.20
Checking No. 510 $ 6,098.66
Savings No 451 $ 43,658.79
Total funds on deposit $ 53,309.65
Checks Outstanding (account 510)
No. : 1317 $ 1,539.31 No. : $ -
No. : $ - No. : $ -
No. : $ - No. : $ -
No. : $ - No. : $ -
Total checks outstanding: $ 1,539.31
Total funds available (Key Bank): $ 51,770.34
Funds on Deposit PayPal Account $ 2,847.87
Funds on deposit with LPL Investment Account, Clinton, NY: $ 131,680.91
Total funds on deposit: $ 186,299.12 (USD)
Set-aside Funds: IAATI LOD Death Fund $ 8,000.00
NICTA $ 2,500.00
Total Set-aside Funds $ 10,500.00
Liabilities Mastercard $ 647.28
Total Liabilities $ 647.28
Total Funds Available $ 175,151.84
KeyBank Reward Points Balance : 1,830,039 as of 12 June 2020
Amount used since last report: None