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News from The Personal Ordinariate of Our Lady of Walsingham in Scotland                        Page 2

         those who do not yet know him or                                         These people like us, may
         are yet to respond to that sense by                                    have been trying to live their
         allowing themselves to know him.                                       best lives and wish to turn
                                                                                things around and travel in a
           St Augustine expresses it in his
         well-known observation that “Our                                       new direction, but perhaps to
         hearts are restless until they find                                    no avail?  To turn again is the
         their rest in you”.  Hopefully, when                                   true meaning of Repentance
         people investigate the crib and see there the baby   and it is certainly a part of Advent which should
         Jesus staring up at them there will be an “Ah. It’s   be embraced, but it is crucial that we hear the
         you” moment.  This might be described as a mini      reassurance of the Church’s pastoral caring
         conversion experience as we move towards him,        message “You will not succeed on your own:”  It
         and a recognition on Christmas day that truly        mitigates against the proud hearted.  The thing
         understands that he is indeed among us, as one of    is that we have been observed, and we are loved.
         us, and that God has moved towards us.  But let      Are we open to God’s voice which encourages us
         us go back to Advent first, a season which I want    to stand up, which says dry those tears and step
         to characterise as one where we are spiritually      into my light?
         and soulfully turned towards home.                    Repentance, contrition, mercy and forgiveness,
                                                              always produces a rejoicing among the angels in
           Many of us at some stage in our lives, will have
         taken a change in direction.  It could be a career   heaven because through these four actions our
         decision - I need to be doing something else, a      souls are once more reconnected to God who
         relationship – I need to be with or find someone,    longs for us to make these tracks for home.  The
         or a physical journey when we sense we are           first two are in our hands and the second two are
         not going in the right way.   We may have also       held out by God.  It might be useful to see Advent
         experienced feelings around the changes we have      as a coming together then.  And let’s remember
         made and question whether we have done the           that most people do want to be home for
         right thing after all, and ask whether we should     Christmas!  Reconciliation and joy go together
         we have stayed where we were?                        so that the light comes on enabling us to see that
                                                              little bit more clearly and allow ourselves to be
           We can have feelings of doubt or start             comforted as we make our way.
         questioning our ability to decide which may
         even turn into regret.  Before we know it, we          So, why the Pink Candle on the Advent
         are carrying out a full review and might quickly     Wreath?”  It marks Gaudete Sunday. The Latin
         arrive at a point of inertia.  There’s no going back   means Rejoice!  Its Rose colour shares the purple
         but we cannot see the way ahead either.  There’s     spectrum but has less penitential purple in it
         only one thing for it.  We could sit down and        which reminds us that enlightening exuberant joy
         cry! But imagine then, that a little distance away,   is coming to embrace us.  During the Churches
         there is an unobserved someone who has seen the      penitential seasons there has always been room
         hopelessness of our situation.  From his vantage     for joy (even Lent has its joyful Laetare Sunday
         point he can see lots of other people sat down       too).  So, as we wait for Christmas in anticipation,
         who are feeling just like us.  He notes what he sees   we can indeed afford ourselves some exuberant
         and that there are many people here walking in       joy as we await the coming of our Saviour as we
         darkness in a land of deep shadow.                   are counting down the days.
         The Bells of Notre Dame

             HE EIGHT bells of Notre Dame Cathedral            The 2019 fire destroyed
         T Ttolled again for the first time since the         part of the northern
         cathedral was ravaged by fire in 2019 one month      belfry, requiring it to be
         before it reopens to the public on 8th December.     restored and the bells
         The bells sounded one by one until all eight         to be removed, cleaned
         chimed in harmony for about five minutes.  “It’s     of dust and lead, and
         not perfect yet, but we will make it perfect,” said   then returned to their space.  The heaviest bell,
         Alexandre Gougeon, who is in charge of the bells’  called “Gabriel”, weighs over four tonnes, and the
         re-installation, but “The test was a success.”       lightest, “Jean-Marie”, 800 kilogrammes.
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