Page 6 - 2024-12-OrdScotReview
P. 6

News from The Personal Ordinariate of Our Lady of Walsingham in Scotland                        Page 6

         News Round-up

         The Home-coming of Saint Brendan

              N SATURDAY 3rd August outside the 900
         O Oyear old Birnie Kirk, the oldest church in
         Scotland in continuous use for Christian worship,
         a procession began to wind its way up the ancient
         Glebe path to the church carrying a large caved
         stone image of Saint Brendan the Navigator.  Led
         by monks, priests, ministers and people chanting     November 2023 when the Church of Scotland
         the Litany of the Saints, this ancient, sacred space   decided to close Birnie Kirk an approach was
         witnessed the Home-coming of St                                 made to the Ordinariate asking for
         Brendan, who, over fourteen hundred                             help in continuing the unbroken
         years earlier, led by the Holy Spirit                           900 years of Christian worship.  An
         arrived at this holy mound of Birnie.                           ecumenical group led by members
                                                                         of the Ordinariate was formed and
           St Brendan lived in the 6th century                           included local Catholics, former
         and is famous for his legendary sea                             members of Birnie Kirk and of the
         voyages, putting all his hope in God’s                          new Kirk Session of Elgin.
         mercy and protection.  His story,
         although wrapped in myth, is a                                    Evening Prayer is now said every
         testament to his deep faith.  Born in                           Wednesday using Divine Worship
         County Kerry, he went on to found                               Daily Office, drawing up to 40
         many monasteries in Ireland.                                    people each week.  The Elgin Kirk
                                                                         Session also invited the Ordinariate
           According to the Navigatio Sancti                             to celebrate Holy Mass on the first
         Brendani - The Voyage of St Brendan                  Saturday of each month and in these ways, the
         - composed in 512, Brendan chose fourteen            900 years of unbroken Christian worship in
         disciples and set sail in a wooden boat.  They       Birnie Kirk continues.
         discovered many lands and met many interesting
         people and creatures, it is even discovered           The stone plaque, carved from a single block
         America, although there is a lack of evidence        of golden coloured stone quarried nearby, shows
         to support this.  Having sailed the great oceans,    St Brendan with two monks in an open sailing
         they eventually arrived on the coast near Banff      boat.  The carving was made for the Ordinariate
         and made their way to the green mound at             will be positioned on the south wall within Birnie
         Birnie where once there was a pagan shrine. Here     Kirk.  It was carved by sculptor Philip Chatfield
         Brendan built his simple church, bringing the        who was working at nearby Pluscarden Abbey on
         Gospel to this holy place and thus gave his name     many different carved stones and statues.  The
         to the parish and Kirk of Birnie.                    procession entered a full church with over 90
                                                              people present where it was blessed.  A splendid
           Around the year 1140, and under Gregory, the       sung Solemn Mass followed and the day ended
         first Bishop of Moray, the present Kirk of Birnie    with a barbecue in the afternoon sun.
         was built and still today remains substantially as
         it was then.  The first four bishops of the diocese
         had their seats at Birnie and the Kirk was their
         Cathedral.  The fourth Bishop, consecrated in
         1172 was buried beneath the Nave in 1184.
           Birnie Kirk has survived reformation,
         revolution and disruption.  Its clergy have been
         Catholic, Episcopalian and Presbyterian.  In
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