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News from The Personal Ordinariate of Our Lady of Walsingham in Scotland                        Page 9

         Who is Saint John Henry Newman

            AINT JOHN Henry Newman                                           close to death for ten days.  In his
         S Sis the Patron of the Personal                                    delirium he repeated phrases to
         Ordinariate of Our Lady of                                          those aiding him, one of which was
         Walsingham, by the action in 2011                                   ‘I have a work to do in England.’
         of Pope Benedict XVI placed us                                      It was at this time that Newman
         under his patronage.                                                wrote the hymn, ‘Lead, kindly
                                                                             right, amid the encircling gloom’,
           Pope Benedict XVI was also
         responsible for naming our                                          which expresses the longing for
         Ordinariate as the Personal                                         God’s guidance and light in the
         Ordinariate of Our Lady of                                          darkness of life.
         Walsingham (England and Wales,                                       His return to health awoke even
         and Scotland), as he was for the                                    more deeply his desire to bring
         two other Ordinariates created                                      a renewal to the Church that he
         in 2012, the Personal Ordinariate of the Chair       loved, and along with John Keble and Edward
         of Saint Peter (United States and Canada) and        Pusey, among others who despaired at the state
         the Personal Ordinariate of Our Lady of the          of the Church of England at that time, embarked
         Southern Cross (Australia and Japan).                on what would become known as the ‘Oxford
                                                              Movement’, disseminating their views through a
           John Henry Newman was, one might say, an
         obvious choice as our Patron having ministered       series of pamphlets, ‘Tracts for the Times’, which
         in the Church of England before becoming a           challenged the status quo of the establish church.
         Catholic.                                             By 1841 many at the university felt that
           Newman spent his life in search of Truth and       Newman had gone too far.  This caused the then
         always said it was the only reason for living.  He   Bishop of Oxford to call for the Tracts to come to
         was born on February 21st 1801 in London,            an end.  Newman left Oxford in 1842 to continue
         the eldest of six.  His father was a banker in the   his search for the truest form of the Christian
         city.  His family were practising members of the     faith and to begin the next chapter of his journey.
         Church of England.  Around 1816 Newman               He moved to Littlemore, a village three miles
         came into contact with Evangelicalism which was      outside Oxford to live a quasi-monastic life with
         gaining momentum with the teaching of figures        friends.  Here, he continued to devote himself to
         such as John Wesley.                                 ever deeper study, fasting and prayer.
                                                               While at Littlemore, Newman became
           At the age of sixteen, Newman became an
         undergraduate at Trinity College, Oxford.  After     increasingly convinced that the Church of Rome,
         his undergraduate studies he was elected to a        the Catholic Church, was the church nearest to
         fellowship at Oriel College which was at the time    the spirit of early Christianity and on October
         the leading college of the university.               8th 1845 he was received into communion with
                                                              the Catholic Church by Fr Dominic Barberi, an
           Newman pursued Anglican orders as a way of         Italian priest who was in England on missionary
         dedicating his whole life to God.  He would write    work.  His conversion was accompanied by a
         the day after his ordination as a deacon in 1824, ‘I   great sense of interior peace. He wrote: ‘I was
         have the responsibility of souls on me to the day    not conscious to myself, on my conversion, of
         of my death.’  Newman became renowned for his        any change, intellectual or moral, wrought in my
         preaching which was with a great understanding       mind. I was not conscious of firmer faith in the
         of the human condition while also commanding         fundamental truths of Revelation, or of more
         a great knowledge of scripture.  People began to     self-command; I had not more fervour; but it
         travel from far away to hear him and he quickly      was like coming into port after a rough sea.’  After
         became the most influential preacher in the          completing his theological studies in Rome, he
         country.  From these beginnings, a movement          was ordained a priest in 1847.
         would be born.
                                                               In 1850 Newman returned to England and
           In 1833 on a trip to Sicily, Newman became         threw himself into various activities.  He founded
         seriously ill, likely of typhoid fever, and was      the Dublin University, produced a new
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