Page 13 - 2024-12-OrdScotReview
P. 13

News from The Personal Ordinariate of Our Lady of Walsingham in Scotland                       Page 13

         Scotland’s hidden gems: Grandtully

              S ROBERT MACNEIL keeps                                           At the same time the painted
         A Adiscovering, Scotland has many                                    ceiling was created in the eastern
         hidden gems amongst its many                                         half of the church, possibly over
         churches and in this series he will                                  the sanctuary where the altar
         be visiting a different church each                                  would have been.  Sir William
         quarter to reveal the secrets of many                                was a supporter of King Charles I,
         of these almost unknown locations,                                   a high church Anglican, married
         starting with St Mary’s Chapel, Grandtully           to a Catholic wife, Henrietta Maria of France.
                                                              Charles was seeking to make the Scottish church
           To reach St Mary’s, take the A827 going north
         west out of Aberfeldy and then turn right along a    more like the Church of England at this time,
         minor single track road to a small car park with a   which is possibly why the painting of the rightly
                                 marker pointing through      decorated ceiling was commissioned.
                                 a gate to ‘St Mary’s          It is not known who painted the ceiling, but
                                 Church’.  As you follow      it covers 29 panels and includes a number of
                                 the path you might begin  different themes, parts of which show the coats
                                 to ask yourself, “where is   of arms of families associated with the Stewart’s
         this church?”  If it were not for the grave stones   of Grandtully.  There are also depictions of the
         scattered around the innocuous looking building,  apostles but the main focal point for the whole
         which looks more like a long cottage than a          ceiling is a large panel.  Framed by a classical
         church, you would begin to doubt, but fear not,      doorway, it shows a dying man lying on his
         you are about to be pleasantly surprised.            canopied bed with his grieving wife standing
                                                                                    beside him.  Nearby is the
           Enter by a small door and
         step down into a long stone                                                skeleton figure of Death
         floored building and look up.                                              aiming his dart at the dying
         There are almost no windows                                                man.  On clouds above are
         but the eastern part of the                                                two Angels blowing their
         church has a magnificent                                                   trumpets calling the dead
         wooden barrel-vaulted ceiling                                              to Resurrection.  They are
         that is completely covered                                                 seen on the right hand side
         with the most amazing                                                      of the panel as they rise
         painted panels.                                                            from the dead into heaven.
           There are records of a                                                     All in all it is a most
         church here in about 1250,                                                 unexpected sight in
         although the existing St                                                   an equally unexpected
         Mary’s Church probably                                                     location and well worth
         dates from about 1533.  After                                              a visit if you are passing
         the Reformation of 1560, the                                               near Aberfeldy.  The
         church was modified to make                                                chapel is now in the care
         it fit for reformed worship.                                               of Historic Environment
         It was probably built round                                                Scotland and is free to
         1533 by Alexander Stewart,                                                 visit and open year-round.
         Laird of Grandtully of the                                                 Opening times are October
         nearby Grandtully Castle.                                                  to March, 10am to 4pm
         In 1636, the then laird, Sir                                               and April to September,
         William Stewart, refurbished                                               9.30am to 5.30pm.  The
         the chapel and built an                                                    door may require a firm
         extension on its western                                                   push!  To find it’s location,
         end, possibly to provide                                                   use What3Words and go
         living accommodation for a                                                 to
         resident priest.                                                           and enter the three words:
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