Page 10 - 2024-12-OrdScotReview
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News from The Personal Ordinariate of Our Lady of Walsingham in Scotland                       Page 10

         translation of the Bible into English, took over the   John Henry Newman was declared Blessed by
         direction of a magazine, and founded an Oratory      Pope Benedict XVI on 19 September 2010 during
         in Oxford dedicated to St Philip Neri, in whose      his visit to Britain.  While visiting Lambeth
         Congregation he had been ordained a priest.          Palace in London, Pope Benedict said: ‘In the
                                                              figure of John Henry Newman we celebrate a
           In 1879, Pope Leo XIII made Newman a
         Cardinal.  Newman chose as                           churchman whose ecclesial vision was nurtured
         his cardinal’s motto the words                                          by his Anglican background
         ‘Cor ad cor loquitur’ meaning,                                          and matured during his many
         ‘heart speaks unto heart’.   John                                       years of ordained ministry in
         Henry Newman died at the                                                the Church of England.’
         Birmingham Oratory on 11                                                 On 15 January 2011 the
         August 1890 at the age of 89.                                           first Personal Ordinariate was
                                                                                 established and Monsignor
           On 4 November 2009
         the Apostolic Constitution                                              Keith Newton was named as
         Anglicanorum coetibus                                                   the Ordinary.  The Decree
         (meaning ‘Groups of                                                     of Erection specified that the
         Anglicans) was issued by Pope                                           Ordinariate would be known
         Benedict XVI.  It began the                                             as the Personal Ordinariate of
         process that enabled Anglicans                                          Our Lady of Walsingham and
         and Episcopalians to enter                                              would be placed under the
         into full communion with                                                patronage of Blessed (later
         the Catholic Church, while                                              Saint) John Henry Newman.
         preserving those elements of                                            Pope Francis canonised Saint
         the Anglican tradition.                                                 John Henry Newman on 13th
                                                                                 October 2019.

                ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?

         What the Ordinariate Mass is NOT!

           T IS often wrongly assumed that                                forms of the Mass, its theological
        I Ithe Catholic Church and its                                     and rubrical context is the Ordinary
         worship is the same wherever in                                    Form of the Roman Rite’ and
         the world a person encounters                                      that Divine Worship must be
         it; whilst this is certainly true                                   ‘approached and considered in
         for the Faith of the Church                                          its own integrity.’   Archbishop
         - the very kernel of belief -                                        Di Noia said, ‘Divine Worship is
         however liturgical life is rich and                        not a museum piece, but rather the Holy
         varied.  This diversity of liturgy can come          See’s prudent grafting of proven Anglican shoots
         as surprise to the average Catholic, as it does to   on the rooted, living trunk of the Roman Rite, to
         those outside the Faith.                             promote new and healthier growth.’

           Many still struggle to correctly understand the     We must understand and love our liturgical
         liturgical life of the Ordinariate, often describing   texts, we must study them and know them and
         it as the ‘the old rite’ in English.  This is to     pray them.  They stand on their own dignity
         misunderstand what the Ordinariate Use of the        and reflect our ecclesial community.   We have
         Roman Rite is. It needs no comparison to any         been formed by these texts, and pray God will
         other Rite or Use, as it is complete within itself.    continue to form the generations to come.  How
         It is certainly not some lesser form of the Old      grateful we should be to Pope Benedict XVI
         Rite Latin Mass.                                     whose, ‘principle of diversity in unity’ is at the
           Bishop Steven Lopes says the Ordinariate Rite      heart of Anglicanorum Coetibus.
         is a distinct form of the Roman Rite -  ‘Although                                         Bryan Miller
         Divine Worship preserves some ritual elements               Further Reading: The Anglican Patrimony in
         and traditional gestures associated with older             Catholic Communion, Edited Tracey Rowland
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