Page 14 - 2024-12-OrdScotReview
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News from The Personal Ordinariate of Our Lady of Walsingham in Scotland Page 14
Holy Year 2025 The Christian tradition also offers
other texts, such as the Hail
HE 2025 JUBILEE Mary, that can help to find words
T Tannounced by Pope John Paul II to address God: “By a living
at the end of the Great Jubilee will transmission - Tradition - the
have the motto Pilgrims of Hope and Holy Spirit in the Church teaches
will begin and end with the opening the children of God to pray”
and closing of the Holy Doors of the (Catechism of the Catholic Church).
four major basilicas in Rome, as well as On 26th December 2024, the Feast
Cathedrals throughout the world.
of St Stephen, Pope Francis will open
In 1300 Pope Boniface a Holy Door in the Roman
VIII called the first prison of Rebibbia, marking an
Jubilee, also known as historic moment in the history
a “Holy Year. At first, of Jubilee years. It will be the
they were celebrated first time that, in addition to
every 100 years, later, in the Holy Doors opened in the
1343, Pope Clement VI four Roman Papal Basilicas, one
reduced the gap between will also be opened in a penal
Jubilees to every 50 institution too. Pope Francis
years and in 1470 Pope said, “During the Holy Year, we
Paul II made it every 25 are called to be tangible signs of
years. There have also hope for those of our brothers
been extraordinary Holy and sisters who experience
Years. In 1933 Pope Pius hardships of any kind.” Rebibbia
XI commemorated the is on the northeast edge of
1900th anniversary of Rome, on the Via Tiburtina,
The Holy Door at Santiago di Compostela
the Redemption and in T he H ol y Door a t S antiago di C ompost ela the ancient road leading east-
2015 Pope Francis proclaimed the Year of Mercy. northeast from Rome.
The jubilee calls for us to ‘set out on a The Vatican has also launched
journey and to cross boundaries’. This may be a cartoon mascot named Luce,
a Pilgrimage to Holy places such as Rome to Italian for ‘light’ and pronounced
visit Basilicas of the Apostles, Saint Peter and ‘Lu-Chay’, for the 2025 Jubilee in
Saint Paul, or Santiago de Compostela to visit order, according to the Vatican’s
the Basilica of Saint James the Great, entering Dicastery for Evangelisation, “to
these Basilicas through the Holy Doors which engage a younger audience”.
will be open throughout the year, but it may also Designed by a Japanese artist,
be a personal spiritual journey. Pilgrimage is an she represents a young Catholic
experience of conversion, of transforming one’s pilgrim. Luce is a blue-haired mascot who wears
very being to conform it to the holiness of God. a rosary around her neck and a yellow raincoat
The Ordinariate in Scotland is planning to have that is meant to symbolise journeying through
a number of Pilgrimages during the 2025 Jubilee life’s storms and reflects the colour of the Vatican
Year in different parts of Scotland throughout flag. She wears green muddy boots that represent
the year which will allow and members, a long and difficult journey and carries a staff
associates and friends in Scotland to celebrate meant to symbolise the pilgrimage toward
the Jubilee Year wherever you happen to live full eternity.
details as plans begin to emerge.
Luce has drawn mixed reactions from many
Prayer is also a very important part of within the church. While some approved, more
Pilgrimage. There are many reasons and ways traditionalist commentators criticised her as “too
to pray, but at the root of prayer is always the modern and silly” to represent Catholicism. Luce
desire to be open to God’s presence and His offer or not, the Holy Year, the Jubilee of Hope, begins
of love. It was Jesus who entrusted His disciples on 24th December this years and ends on the
with the Lord’s Prayer. Feast of the Epiphany, 2026.