Page 8 - 2024-12-OrdScotReview
P. 8
News from The Personal Ordinariate of Our Lady of Walsingham in Scotland Page 8
your wooden carving facing the
once you have eaten the main entrance
chocolate! doorway will be
And finally, a limited
number of The This statue
Ordinariate of Our Lady will be the final
of Walsingham with and greatest
Carved Stand
Birnie Kirk mugs have Car v ed Stand work for us of
been produced, with a photo of the St Brendan sculptor Philip
the Navigator carving on one side and Birnie Kirk Chatfield, who
on the other side ... costing £8 each. has already
contributed so
much to the
project. The
Did ‘Saint Joseph’ emerge
Abbey website D id ‘S aint Joseph ’ emer ge
from the stone in time?
reports, “we fr om the st one in time?
hope and trust the statue will be ready in time!
As yet it remains work in progress: but Philip is
Jacobite stone confident he will manage!”
‘O UR’ RESIDENT stone sculptor, Philip STOP PRESS
Advent begins at Birnie Kirk
‘OChatfield, has been at work again, this
time creating a memorial Jacobite Stone for S THIS ISSUE of Ord Scot Review goes
Bryan Miller. It was blessed after a Mass on A Ato press, news has just reached us of the
the Feast of St Margaret of Scotland by Fr Len Advent Carol Service in Birnie Kirk on the first
Black in memory of ‘those faithful Jacobites, Wednesday of Advent. After a year of explaining
but Episcopalian and Catholic, who fought to the different seasons and customs of the Church
preserve the Faith of our Fathers’ .
Year and how we don’t sing Christmas Carols
or put up a Christmas Tree in Church until
Christmas, it was agreed that Advent carols by
candle light would be appropriate. Never did we
think that this would prove so popular, but on
the night 110 people squeezed into the church for
what was to be a memorable occasion indeed.
Blessing the Jacobite memorial stone
Blessing the Jac obit e memorial st one
Philip Chatfield
UST TO prove
J Jthat Philip
Chatfield really is
the resident sculptor
at Pluscarden
Abbey here are some
e the entrance
gnus Dei abo
he A
of the many different The Agnus Dei above the entrance
carved stones and statues he has been working on
for the new guest house, St Joseph’s.
The church was ‘lit’ by around 60 ‘real’ candles
There will be a public ceremony of blessing of St
Joseph’s Guest House on the Feast of St Andrew and the people held small LED ‘candles’ and the
effect was amazing. Everyone said they would be
when the free standing Statue of St Joseph, back for the Christmas Nine Lessons and Carols
designed to fit in the curve of the stone staircase,
on Sunday 29th December at 3pm.