Page 2 - The_Millennium_School_Annual_2019-20
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Meet our
Visionary Mr. Abhinav Dhar
Trustee, The Millennium Schools
I am happy to find a little corner here to share
a few words from m y desk , while you go
through the prism atic expression of our
school through this newsletter.
I It fills m y heart with ethereal delight to
witness how our wonderful children are
flowering into such intellectually, socially and
em otionally confident and happy
Millennium ites . Through this newsletter, yet
again, I wish to express m y gratitude to our
very passionate and com m itted staff and
school leade
school leaders and to our ever supporting
Millennium ite Parents without whom this
would have never been possible . Our belief
that happiness quotient of our parents is the
m ost significant m easure of our success in all
our efforts keeps propelling and encouraging
us to do our best at all tim es . Well, our shining
m illennium ites on their part never let us down
m illennium
Do enjoy reading through this newsletter. ”
Abhinav Dhar