Page 5 - The_Millennium_School_Annual_2019-20
P. 5
Nandini Malhotra
A c t i v i t y C o o r d i n a t o r
Logic will get you from A to B. Imagination will take you everywhere
– Albert Einstein
Dear Reader,
W hen you tap into im agination, rather than rely on your knowledge, am azing
things can happen. Those of you who think that you are not im aginative,
artistically inclined or creative types, you will be surprised at your capacity to
create good work once you try it out. You are a lot creative than you think.
H Hum ans are creative species but we are not alike in our creativity. We use it in
different ways and different degrees.
Creative genius reveals itself in all form s of art, invention, scientific
breakthrough, business, engineering, m edicines and what not. Once you choose
to nurture your creativity and em bark on a creative quest then you start to
value your own work, even if it is not published, displayed or presented to public.
Being creative is m editative, taking tim e to use your hands, m inds and energies
Being c
doing som ething you enjoy and which m akes you really happy is of the highest
im portance in life. You can boost creativity sim ply by paying m ore attention to
it and intending to incorporate m ore of it in your life. Go ahead, write your new
poem or draw your next picture, fidget with old broken gadgets, try your hands
at anything you feel good at without fear and being judgem ental about the
piece you create. Expose yourself to m ore form s of art, walk am idst nature but
it’s m ore im portant to take out tim e to actively practice this until it becom es
your default way of being.
Hum ongous professional choices based upon im agination and creativity has
shattered the m yth that im agination is inferior to logical reasoning. It really
needs courage to go against restricted way of thinking but once you do it, you
becom e far m ore happier than you ever thought you were.
Dare to fail several tim es before you create a m asterpiece. Rem em ber creativity
has no rules. It m ay take several years to be a creative genius but it won’t take
long to have a creative satisfaction and higher self-confidence. Have faith in
your wings and let your im agination soar high in the sky.
W ishing you joy of creation in years to com e.
Nandini Malhotra