Page 4 - The_Millennium_School_Annual_2019-20
P. 4
Jaspreet Singh Walia
G e n e r a l Ma n a g e r A d mi n &
O p e r a t i o n s
I have been associated with the TMSA from its very inception and I
feel delighted & proud to be a part of an energetic and vibrant
school. My job is not restricted to oversee the physical environm ent
and financial issues of the school alone rather I am here to achieve
som ething m ore precious, that is the trust and good-will of our
parent com m unity. To a large extent I feel I have accom plished this
m ission. My only yardstick of m easuring the quality of work is the
feedback b
feedback y parents and I am glad that m ost of them have
expressed their faith in our safety and security, our well-m aintained
cam pus and the hassle free transport operations. This propels m e
and m y team to work harder and m aintain the standards set by us
so far.
My constant aim is to provide a com fortable environm ent to our
students and teachers to ensure sm ooth facilitation of our
teaching-learning process. It is and always will be m y effort to m ove
ahead with zeal and com m itm ent to add value to the system in
place and seek constant room for im provem ent to m ake TMSA a
school of choice for the com m unity.
I congratulate the entire editorial team for putting in the best of
I cong
their efforts for the tim ely release of The Millennium Annual.
Jaspreet Singh Walia