Page 38 - AgriBrasilis 1st edition.pdf
P. 38
38 March 2020 AgriBrasilis
that offer the nutrients best
combination and distribution.
When it comes to dollar
instability, who is more
affected (considering the
fertilizers sector)? The
largest or smallest farms?
The impacts of the
instabilities on exchange rates
are more related to the type of
crop the farmer grows rather
than the size of the farm.
For example, crops that are
mainly export-oriented, such
as soybean, cotton or coffee, COURTESY OF MOSAIC
benefit from a devalued real
(Brazilian local currency BRL);
while crops mainly for the
domestic market, such as fruits, Mosaic’s mining-chemical complex in Araxá – State of Minas Gerais
vegetables and corn, provide 美盛公司在米纳斯吉拉斯州Araxá的矿业化工综合设施
better margins for farmers
投入品不可或缺的生产者和供 化肥行业的前景是积极的, 注:
应商,美盛公司的使命便是高 因为巴西拥有有利的气候、水 1 ANDA:巴西肥料传播协会
效、经济地分销产品,支持巴 力资源和富足耕地,且国家为 2 Mosaic:美盛公司,生产
西农民和国内农业的可持续发 土壤,创新技术和物流开发产 肥料和动物饲料原料,农作物
展。 品。美盛公司的战略重点之一 磷肥和钾肥是其主打产品。成
未来10年,美盛公司和化肥 是利用运营分销能力来增强在 立于2004年1月,总部设在明
行业的前景如何? 美洲和全球的竞争优势。 尼苏达州普利茅斯。