Page 39 - AgriBrasilis 1st edition.pdf
P. 39
AgriBrasilis March 2020 39
when the real is stronger, as
this helps to reduce the cost
of imported fertilizers and
other agricultural inputs in US
Large and small farms have
tools to protect themselves.
Large ones are more protected
from variations in exchange
rates by the instruments and
procedures adopted, access
to information and, of course,
by the fact that, many times,
negotiations are done in dollar COURTESY OF COOPERCITRUS - SOYBEANS
and not in real. On the other
hand, smaller farms can count
on the expertise of consultants
and cooperatives.
Can Brazil still be self-
sufficient when it comes to supporting the sustainable development for Brazilian soil,
mineral fertilizers? growth of Brazilian farmers and innovative technologies and
Even considering all the the development of domestic logistical development. The
investments announced by the agriculture. Mosaic Company has one of its
market, Brazil still depends What are Mosaic and the strategic priorities to leverage
on fertilizer imports. Mosaic sector perspectives for next its operational distribution
believes in the country’s 10 years? capacity to strengthen its
agricultural potential and, as a The perspective for the competitive advantage in the
producer and supplier of this sector is positive, since the Americas and worldwide.
essential agriculture input, its country has arable areas Notes:
mission to distribute products providing favorable climate 1 ANDA – National Fertilizer
efficiently and affordably, and water availability, product Dissemination Association