Page 33 - AgriBrasilis 1st edition.pdf
P. 33

AgriBrasilis      March 2020                                                                 33

               regarding the sale of          its members? How much            of agricultural inputs in the
            agricultural inputs is 70%.       does this represent on the       world  and  large investments
               Our    main     agricultural   cooperative’s revenue?           in digital technology, precision
            inputs are: pesticides,  25%;        The   cooperative    offers   agriculture, we are offering
            fertilizers, 22%; machinery,      to   cooperative    members      solutions that strongly impact
            15%, diesel, 8%, and animal       financing  for  the  purchase  of   the results of assisted farmers.
            health and nutrition, 10%.        agricultural inputs and also     How  do  you  see  Brazilian
            Where does Coopercitrus           carry out a large number         agribusiness in the coming
            operate and what is its           of coffee and grain barter       years?
            differential?                     operations. This represents         Brazilian agribusiness is

               Our cooperative operates in    30% of revenues.                 a protagonist on the world
            the states of São Paulo, Minas    What     are   the    biggest    scenario and will continue
            Gerais and Goiás and has the      difficulties           facing    to be, due to the excellent
            purpose of serving a group of     agribusiness today and how       prospects    for   production
            35  thousand  members  in an      is Coopercitrus acting in the    and Brazil’s great vocation in
            integrated  manner, offering      face of these difficulties?      agriculture.
            solutions with a complete            The greatest difficulty is to   What are Coopercitrus’ plans
            portfolio     of    machines,     integrate solutions in order to   for the next 5 years?
            equipment, agricultural inputs    offer a sustainable model in        We intend to work with
            for  all  agricultural  activities,   the entire agribusiness chain.  even  more integrated service
            agronomic services, services         Coopercitrus    has     37    models, expand  business  in
            with precision agriculture and    thousand members, mostly         regions with synergies in the
            digital  technology  that  impact   small and medium farmers, who   current and planned models,
            the    member’s     productive    need  technical, commercial      thus consolidating itself as
            system.                           and    logistical  assistance.   one of the most important
            Does     Coopercitrus    have     Through strategic alliances      cooperatives in Brazil.
            any  type  of  financing  for     with the main manufacturers
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