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P. 28
28 March 2020 AgriBrasilis
India shall invest
US$ 6 billion in Brazil
Interview with Amit Kumar Mishra, Consul General of India in Brazil
Apart by a half-world doors of his office to give an two years. I hope that we will
distance, Brazil and India are interview to AgriBrasilis, in also discover ourselves in the
not so far away when it comes which he discussed the mutual economic sense, because there
to business. Both countries are commercial interests between is still a lot to be created.
part of BRICS, and they have the countries. What was the purpose of the
always been apt to strengthen What is the importance of Brazilian president’s visit to
their partnerships. After the Brazil entering the Indian India in January?
recent agreements signed, market and vice versa? Prime Minister Modi visited
trade between them grew by The fact that both countries Brasilia for the BRICS Summit,
57% in two months (Brazilian are emerging economies, and he extended an invitation
Ministry of Development, means we have similar to Bolsonaro as the main guest
Industry and Trade). problems. We have a strong on Republic Day
In 2020, Brazil already strategic relationship. During the event, fifteen
bought US$ 441 million in I think we were too involved agreements were signed,
Indian goods, and Brazilian with other partners and we covering a wide range of
exports to India increased did not pay enough attention subjects. Among them are:
46%, reaching US$ 155 million. to Brazil. On the other hand, if biofuels, sugar and ethanol
The Consul General of India I had to be fair to companies industry, genomic evaluation
in Brazil, Amit Kumar Mishra, is on this and that side, Indian in livestock, defense industry,
a career diplomat, and he joined companies did a better job research centers in India.
the Indian Foreign Service in of discovering Brazil than I hope that the agreements
2004. In his postings abroad, Brazilian ones in discovering will help us to bridge the
he has dealt with political, India existing gap between both
commercial, education, cultural This year, our leaders, developing countries.
and diaspora issues. agreed on the ambitious goal What is the importance of
The consul opened the of doubling trade in the next the BRICS to make economic
印度驻巴西总领事 Amit Kumar Mishra访谈
巴西当前的局势严重地 巴西对印度的出口增长了 我们有着牢固的战略关系。
受到经济和政治因素的影 46%,高达1.55亿美元。 但是我认为我们与其他合
响,这些因素对经济造成 印度驻巴西总领事,Amit 作伙伴的参与者过多,对巴
了压力,并影响着整个国 Kumar Mishra,是职业外交 西没有予以足够的重视。另
家。2020年将是高波动性 官,他于2004年加入印度外 一方面,如果我公平的对待
的一年,这影响到多个行业 事服务部。在他的国外任职 这方面的公司,那么印度公
尽管巴西与印度有半个世界 期间他处理过政治,商业, 司在发现巴西方面比巴西公
之遥,但生意将两个国家拉 教育,文化及侨民问题。 司发现印度方面做得更好。
近。两个国家都是金砖国家 该领事打开了办公室的大 今年,我们的领导人商
的一部分,并且两国一直倾 门,接受了AgriBrasilis的采 定了在未来两年内实现贸易
向于加强伙伴关系。最近的 访,他在会上讨论了两国之 翻番的宏伟目标。我希望我
协议签署后,他们之间的贸 间的共同商业利益。 们也能在经济意义上发现自
易在两个月内增长了57%. (巴 巴西进入印度市场的重要性 己,因为我们仍有很多工作
西发展部,工业和贸易部) 如何,反之亦然? 需要去做。
在2020年,巴西已经购买 两国都是新兴经济体,这 巴西总统在一月份访问印度
了4.41亿美元的印度商品, 意味着我们有类似的问题。 的目的是什么?