Page 23 - AgriBrasilis 1st edition.pdf
P. 23

AgriBrasilis       March 2020                                                                 23

            production     system,    with    planted area comes from lease    multinational Mitsui, which
            standardization of production     agreements or joint ventures.    also owns several lands, mainly
            units, world-class technology,      The joint ventures were an     in the State of Bahia.
            strict cost control and social-   alternative for the growth of the   In these joint ventures, the
            environmental responsibility.     planted area without the need    operation is managed by SLC,
               We believe that doing more     to acquire the land. Therefore,   and  the  profits  as  well  as  the
            with less is the true path to     it is similar to leases.         necessary   investments    are
            sustainability, and we publicize    We have two strategic          divided between our company
            our practices, contributing to    unions,   one   with   Grupo     and said partners (Roncador
            the improvement of agriculture    Roncador, which owns one of      and Mitsui). SLC receives an
            in the country.                   the largest farms in the country   administration fee, which is a
               One of the main limitations    in the State of Mato Grosso,     way to monetize our expertise
            of competitiveness regarding      and another with the Japanese    in the sector.
            soybeans are logistics, which
            have not kept pace with the
            development of the sector.
            Income protection policies are
            also considered an obstacle,
            especially   in   regards   to
            agricultural insurance, which
            could be much broader than it
            Could you explain more about
            SLC  Agrícola’s  differentiated
            business model?
               Regarding land  ownership,
            the    company     has    been
            migrating to a model that we                                                                     WHEAT HARVESTING
            call asset light. In such a way
            that  50%  of  the  currently

            为实现该目标所作出的努                      rado的发展以及我们公司的                    cola的差异化业务模式吗?
            力:AgroExponencial,它              成长历史是彼此交织在一起                         在土地所有权方面,公司已
            使我们与初创公司建立联系;                    的。SLC Agrícola 是发展这种              经转移到一种被我们称之为”
            Ideas & Results,促进内部创            前沿农业的先驱之一。                        资产之光”的模式。在这种模式
            新。这些努力的目标是在开放                       我们的经营方式是规模种植                   下,目前50%的种植面积来自
            创新原则的指导下,以尽可能                    的世界标杆。商业模式以现代                     租赁协议或合资企业。
            灵活的方式规划内部挑战并寻                    化的生产体系为基础,综合了                        合资企业是一种无需取得土
            求解决方案。                           具有标准化的生产单位、世界                     地即可扩大种植面积的替代方
            是否会向外国人推荐投资巴西                    一流的技术、严格的成本控制                     案。因此,它类似于租约。
            农业?                              和社会环境责任。                             我们有两个战略同盟,一个
               近年来,由于巴西良好的地                     我们认为,多快好省是实现                   是Roncador集团,拥有巴西
            理和人文条件,农业产业一直                    可持续发展的真正途径,我们                     马托格罗索州(State of Mato
            是巴西经济的主要引擎。                      宣传我们的做法,为改善这个                     Grosso)最大的农场之一;另
               农业的增长机会仍然很巨                   国家的农业作出贡献。                        一个日本跨国集团Mitsui,后
            大。这个地区能继续吸引大量                       削弱大豆竞争力的主要因素                   者也拥有几处土地,主要在巴
            投资,这是很自然的。如果说                    之一是物流,因为物流跟不上                     伊亚州(State of Bahia)。
            在巴西有一个值得投资的行                     农业部门的发展。收入保护政                        在这些合资企业中,由 SLC
            业,就是农业。                          策也被认为是一个障碍,特别                     管理运营,利润和必要投入
            鉴于我们是世界上最大的大豆                    是在农业保险方面,因为农业                     由我们公司和上述合作伙伴
            出口国之一,SLC Agrícola做              保险的运用可能比现在要广泛                     (Roncador       和  Mitsui)分
            出怎样的贡献?                          得多。                               担。SLC  收取管理费,这是将
               巴西大豆的成功史与Cer-                 您能介绍更多关于  SLC Agrí-               我们在该行业的专业知识货币
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