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P. 21

AgriBrasilis       March 2020                                                                 21

                           “There is a new revolution

                             taking place in the field”

                                    Interview with Aurélio Pavinato, CEO of SLC Agrícola

               Founded in 1977 as one         cotton,  88,918  ha  of  corn  and   for the production of large-
            of  the  first  in  the  agricultural   1,912 ha in other crops.   scale crops.
            sector to have shares traded         SLC Agrícola is one of the       CEO of SLC since 2012,
            on the Stock Exchange in          few  Brazilian  companies  that   Aurélio Pavinato has a degree
            the world, SLC Agrícola is a      use the joint venture strategy, a   in Agronomy from the Federal
            reference and one of the largest   strategy based on an economic   University of Santa Maria and
            world producers of grains and     association between two (or      master’s degree in Soil Sciences
            fibers, its focus being soy, corn   more) companies  in order  to   from the Federal University of
            and cotton.                       gather its resources to perform   Rio Grande do Sul.
               In addition to pioneering      a  specific  task.  In  this  case,   Pavinato   talked      to
            the development of agriculture    strategic alliances are formed   AgriBrasilis  about being part
            in the Brazilian Cerrado region,                                   of the Brazilian agribusiness
            the group has a history in                                         giants, the performance of the
            agribusiness which resulted in                                     company that is a leader in
            the largest machinery factory                                      commodities.
            in Latin America, a business                                       What are the advantages and
            that was sold to the American                                      disadvantages of producing
            John Deere in 1999.                                                in Brazil? What aspects could
               The    company    has    16                                     be improved?
            production    units   in   six                                        The Brazilian agricultural
            Brazilian states. Intentional                                      sector has grown rapidly
            geographic      diversification                                    in recent decades, mainly
            minimizes potential regional                                       through    increased     yield,
            climate risks and the incidence                                    but also through expansion
            of pests and diseases.                                             and consolidation  of new
               The total area of the units                                     agricultural frontiers.
            has 457,500 ha, with 234,149                                          Brazil  has   vast   tracts
            ha of soybeans, 123,721 ha of                                      of  arable  land,  with  flat
                                            Aurélio Pavinato, CEO of SLC Agrícola
                                          SLC Agrícola 首席执行官, Aurélio Pavinato

                                   SLC Agrícola首席执行官 Aurélio Pavinato访谈

               SLC Agrícola 成立于 1977          司(John Deere)。                      SLC Agrícola  是为数不多
            年,是世界上首批在证券交易                        SLC Agrícola公司在巴西的            的使用合资经营战略的巴西公
            所上市的农业企业之一,是全                     六个州拥有16个生产单位。特                   司之一,该战略基于两个(或
            球最大的谷物和纤维生产商之                     别的地理环境多样化将潜在的                    多个)公司之间的合作关系,
            一,其业务主要涉及大豆、玉                     区域气候风险和病虫害的发病                    以便统筹其资源来开展特定项
            米和棉花。                             率降至最低。                           目。在本文的案例中,战略联
               除了在西拉朵(Cerrado)                   1 6 个生产单位总面积                  盟的建立则是为了大规模作物
            地区开拓农垦外,该集团在                      达 4 5 .7 5 万公顷,其中大               的生产。
            农业产业化业务方面有着悠久                     豆 23. 4149 万公顷,棉花                   自  2012  年起担任SLC  的
            的历史,并最终建立了拉丁美                     12.3721万公顷,玉米8.8918              首席执行官。他拥有圣玛丽亚
            洲最大的机械工厂,该业务于                     万公顷,其他作物 19 1 2 公                联邦大学(UFSM)  的农学学
            1999  年被出售给美国迪尔公                  顷。                               位和南里奥格兰德州联邦大学
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