Page 19 - AgriBrasilis 1st edition.pdf
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AgriBrasilis March 2020 19
that prejudice in professional Since she was a child, when achieved the trust of her
practice has never been part of her father used to take her colleagues through effort,
her experiences. “Women have to the farm, she “wanted to determination, dedication and
always known the power they continue in the agricultural modesty. “For me, knowledge
have. It is a matter of capacity sector.” “Even without having and professional capacity are
and knowledge, regardless of the intention to influence my genderless; it is up to us to
gender” she added. career, my parents always seek it.”, she declared. Aiming
Fernanda Falcão is another encouraged me to follow the for a more fulfilling future for
outstanding personality. profession in which I had all, Falcão advises: “It is very
Powerful in the agricultural identification and passion”, she important that we, as women,
segment, she has a Bachelor explained. are certain of our capacity and
degree in Agronomy from the Looking back, Falcão reflects realize that there is nothing we
University of Passo Fundo. that “there were far fewer cannot do”.
She is the ownwer of the seed women in the agriculture”, but As Technical Manager of
and grain company Sementes she never had to face prejudice Sementes Falcão, she noted
Falcão, which has been in or sexist discrimination, as she that in previous years, the
existence for over 30 years in never allowed this distinction average vigor of the company’s
the States of Rio Grande do Sul to influence her ambitions. seed lots resulted in a minimum
and Mato Grosso. As an agronomist, Falcão standard of 85% vigor and
Fernanda Falcão, owner of
Sementes Falcão, in the State of
Rio Grande do Sul
Fernanda Falcão,
Sementes Falcão公司所有者,
Fernanda Falcão是另一个 回首过往,Falcão反映"从 认识到我们无所不能。"
杰出的人物。 她在农业领域很 事农业的妇女更少",但她从未 作为Sementes Falcão公
有实力,拥有帕苏丰杜大学农 遇到过偏见或性别歧视,因为 司的技术经理,她指出,前几
学学士学位。 她是Sementes 她绝不允许这种性别差异影响 年公司种子地块的平均活力最
Falcão种子和谷物公司的所有 到她的雄心壮志。 低达到85%的活力和90%的
者,该公司在南里奥格兰德州 作为一名农艺师,Falcão 通 发芽。然而,在过去的5次收
和马托格罗索州已经成立30多 过努力、决心、奉献和谦虚, 获里,平均活力从87%增加到
年了。 获得了同事的信任。“对我来 92%,在所有批次中发芽率为
孩提时,她父亲带她去农 说,知识和专业能力是没有性 92%至95%,年产大豆、小
场,她就想着继续投身农业。 别界限的,这取决于我们的所 麦 和燕麦的种子约为13-15万
她解释说:“父母即使没有打算 追所求。”为了让未来更加充 袋。
干涉我的事业,也总鼓励我从 实,Falcão建议:"作为女性, 关于技术创新的使用,公司
事我自己认同和喜欢的职业。” 我们必须明确我们的能力,并 正在不断探索中……为不断改