Page 15 - AgriBrasilis 1st edition.pdf
P. 15

AgriBrasilis       March 2020                                                                 15

                           “Brazilian agribusiness has

                                grown at Chinese rates”

                            Interview with Sylvia Brasil Coutinho, Country Head UBS Bank Brazil

               The current scenario in          AgriBrasilis    invited  an    UBS Group in Brazil, one of the
            Brazil  is  intensely  influenced   authority  in  the  financial   largest banks in the world and
            by economic and political         sector to discuss the theme.     a leader in Latin America, since
            factors that generate pressures   Sylvia Brasil Coutinho is an     2013 UBS Bank is considered
            on the economy and impacts        agronomist graduated from        the largest global wealth
            the  country  as  a  whole.  The   the ‘Luiz de Queiroz’ College of   manager,    headquartered
            year of 2020 points to high       Agriculture at the University of   in  Zurich,  Switzerland.  Its
            volatility,  affecting  several   São Paulo, where she also did    foundation dates from July
            sectors and areas such as the     postgraduate studies. She also   1998, as a result of the merger
            consequent increase in the        has an MBA from Columbia         of Union de Banques Suisses
            levels of informal jobs and the   University in New York (USA).    with Société de Banque Suisse.
            lack of investments.                She has been president of the     Sylvia     Brasil     gave

                                巴西瑞银银行首席执行官 Sylvia Brasil Coutinho访谈

               巴西当前的局势严重地                     学攻读研究生。此外,她还                     了农业企业在巴西的重要性
            受到经济和政治因素的影                       获得了美国纽约哥伦比亚大                     和前景。
            响,这些因素对经济造成                       学的工商管理硕士学位。                      巴西的农业企业目前处于怎
            了压力,并影响着整个国                         自2013年以来,她一直                   样的水准?
            家。2020年将是高波动性                     担任巴西瑞银集团(UBS)总                      农业企业现在是,将来
            的一年,这影响到多个行业                      裁。该集团是全球最大的银                     也是巴西经济的重要部分。
            和领域,例如随之而来的失                      行之一,也是拉丁美洲的引                     农业企业受益于近期的货
            业率的增加,以及投资的缺                      领者。瑞银银行(UBS),总                   币贬值,但是和上一年相
            乏。                                部位于瑞士苏黎世,被认为                     比,2019年的出口收入较
               AgriBrasilis邀请了金融              是全球最大的财富管理公                      低。
            行业的权威人士来讨论该主                      司,它成立于1998年7月,                      尽管有竞争优势,除了“
            题。Sylvia  Brasil  Coutin-         是瑞士联合银行与瑞士银行                     巴西成本”,由于与之相关
            ho,是位农学家,本科毕                      合并的产物。                           的物流效率低下和电信设施
            业于圣保罗大学‘Luiz               de       Sylvia    Brasil    接受了        的落后,农业企业的发展严
            Queiroz’农学院,并在该大                  AgriBrasilis  的采访,并谈             重受阻。
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