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P. 18

18                                                              March 2020        AgriBrasilis

                                Women participation in

                                 brazilian agribusiness

                                       Interview with Téia Fava and Fernanda Falcão

               Agribusiness is a sector
            composed  worldwide mostly
            of    men    and    considered
            traditionally male dominated.
            In Brazil this is changing.
               From     2002    to   2015,
            women accounted for 28%
            of  total  workers  in  the  field
            in Brazil. However, in Brazil,
            the Female Participation Rate
            in  the  Workforce  (TPFT)  is
            40%, according to data from
            the 2016 National Household             Téia Fava, cattle
            Sample Survey (PNAD).               breeder and director
               A few years ago girls                of the Breeders
            were expected to assist their        Association of Mato
            mothers in the kitchen while           Grosso (Acrimat)
            boys helped their fathers on the
            farm. These family practices         Téia Fava ,牛饲养
            posed a challenge for women                       员,
            who wanted to be farmers.         马托格罗索州饲养员协
                Currently, Fava breeds                      会主任
            Nellores, and when asked about
            animal welfare and rational       They are separated only by a     no longer notice calves losing
            management in beef cattle, she    corridor with 6 wire fences.     weight from weaning”.
            gives a tip: “as I do breeding,   There, they are weaned, with all    With a history so rich in
            it has been 3 years that we       weanings being accompanied       experiences and achievements
            practice rational weaning on      by  pregnant godmothers. In      in agribusiness, Fava, who now
            the farm. Cows and calves do      the presence of these cows,      lives in Mato Grosso, reported
            not lose eye contact, nor are     the calves feel protected. As    that she feels “extremely
            they trapped in the corral.       a result of this practice, we    welcomed by the sector”, and

                                          Téia Fava 与Fernanda Falcão访谈
               在全球, 农业企业大部分为                  给父亲打下手。  这些家庭惯例                  有怀孕的母牛陪着。  在母牛的
            男性构成的行业,传统上被认                     对想成为农民的妇女构成了挑                    陪伴下,牛犊会有安全感。  这
            为是男性主导的产业。  但在巴                   战。                               样做后,我们再没见过牛犊因
            西,这种情况正在发生改变。                       目前,F av a培育了                   断奶而体重减轻的情况。”
               从2002年到2015年,在                 Nellores,被问到肉牛的动物                   Fava拥有丰富的农业企业的
            田间作业的女性占巴西全国                      福利和合理管理时,她指出:“                   经验和成就,她现在住在马托
            女性总数的  28%。  然而,根                 正如我所做的育种,我们在农                    格罗索州。Fava说,她感到“备
            据2016年全国家庭抽样调查                    场给动物进行合理断奶的操作                    受农业行业的欢迎”,且她从未
            (PNAD)的数据,巴西女性                    已经有3年了。  母牛和牛犊不                  觉得对专业实践的偏见在她的
            劳动参与率(TPFT)仅为40%                  会失去眼神交流,也不会被困                    经历中出现过。她补充道:“妇
            。                                 在畜栏里,它们只被带有6道                    女一直都知道自己所拥有的力
               几年前,女孩被期望成为母                   铁丝网的走廊隔开。  在那,他                  量,这是能力和知识的问题,
            亲的帮厨,而男孩则在农场上                     们已经断奶,所有断奶牛犊都                    而不论性别的问题。
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